10 December, 2013
21 August, 2013
14 August, 2013
27 May, 2013
BitMessage: A Model For A New Web 2.0?
Over the past twenty years, the democratization of cryptographic technology has brought us the potential for an unprecedented level of privacy, giving the common man the ability to browse documents, have conversations, and now, with Bitcoin, send money to people around the world without even the most powerful corporations and government agencies being able to get in the way, but actual adoption of these technologies has been slow. It was once thought that PGP, the encryption tool created by Phil Zimmermann in 1991, was undoubtedly going to become standard in all email communications within years, but it is now 2012, and most email communication is still done in the clear, with providers like Gmail having the ability to read everything that their users write.
Some argue that the reason why encryption has not been implemented into email protocols is profit, as Google would have no way to earn advertising revenue from their service if they could not scan users’ emails for keywords, and others cite general apathy, quoting Mark Zuckerberg’s famous comment that privacy is no longer a “social norm”, but there is also a more fundamental issue at play: network effects. If you were to create an encrypted email right now with PGP and send it to a friend, they would have a difficult time figuring out what to do with it. For the encryption to be worth anything, your friend would need to have a decryption key under his control, whether that’s a public key or a symmetric key that the two of you had agreed upon earlier, and convincing other people who are not as technologically inclined to use such keys can be a challenge. There are isolated communities in which encryption is used, whether out of ideology or out of necessity – Bitcoin itself has a considerable number of pseudonymous businessmen and developers who rely on PGP to maintain their online identities. However, by and large, this is not the case. If encrypted email was popular enough in the world at large, the average person would have an incentive to set up a public key, but the fact that it is currently a niche technology means that they will not, perpetuating a catch-22 situation which requires a large portion of society to somehow coordinate to escape.
Enter Bitcoin. Although we tend to think of Bitcoin as a system designed specifically to send financial transactions, recent developments have shown that much more can be done with its cryptographic primitives. As early as 2011, people were using the lower digits of Bitcoin transactions as a way of encoding messages in the blockchain; one of the Bitcoinica thieves famously used the mechanism to distribute the message “expect mass leak soon“. Beyond the fact that this message will remain in the blockchain forever, an advantage of this technique is that the message is also authenticated; since sending a message in this way requires you to control the address that the transactions are sent from. If it is already known that you control a given address, then clearly you must have sent the transactions as well.
However, this ad-hoc messaging system is clumsy and inefficient, and the concept of Bitcoin messaging has seen two iterations since then. The first is Blockchain.info’s concept of blockchain notes. The implementation is simple. The sender sends a non-standard transaction with two outputs. One of the outputs sends a very small amount of money to the receiver, while the other does not go to anyone at all. Instead, in the output field of the transaction is the message itself. If interpreted as a script, the message is impossible to fulfill, so that output will simply sit there in the blockchain, never to be spent. However, this approach met with strong opposition from Bitcoin developers for polluting the blockchain. Gavin Andresen wrote :”Yes, please don’t create lots of unspendable scriptPubKeys. There are more prunable ways of embedding messages into transactions. And there are even better ways of associating messages with transactions, so only people involved with the transaction can read the message (if that’s desired). In other words, lets figure out how to do this the right way.” The blockchain note system was soon converted into a proprietary feature of blockchain.info’s wallet.
The other advancement was message signatures. In version 0.6, the Satoshi client added a feature which allows the client to use the same algorithm used in Bitcoin to sign transactions to sign any other message as well. Using the exact same cryptographic techniques that allow miners to verify that the owner of an address authorized a transaction sending money from that address, anyone can verify (using a tool also present in the Satoshi client since version 0.7) that a message signed with a given address was signed by the address’ owner. Electrum and brainwallet.org also support this standard for both signing and verification. This mechanism solves the authentication problem, and it does not pollute the blockchain, but it has a problem of its own: there is no built-in transmission mechanism. Thus, just like PGP, the only way to send a signed message is to create a format (called ASCII armoring in PGP) that combines the message and the signature into a block, and then paste the block all together as a message. Essentially, this creates a PGP clone based on Bitcoin’s elliptic curve cryptography, with all of its advantages and disadvantages.
BitMessage, however, solves both of these issues. Rather than going through Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer network, BitMessage creates a peer-to-peer network of its own with properties specifically designed for sending messages. As the whitepaper describes it, “objects are broadcast throughout a Bitmessage stream. We propose that nodes store all objects for two days and then delete them. Nodes joining the network request a list of objects from their peer and download the objects that they do not have. Thus they will receive all messages bound for them that were broadcast during the last two days.” “Objects” are the basic unit of the network’s operation, and are replicated throughout the network. To limit the creation of objects and avoid spam, making an object requires solving a proof-of-work computation, which takes about four minutes on an average computer – in short, a replica of Adam Back’s HashCash anti-spam scheme first proposed in 1997.
Sending a message is a four-step back-and-forth process. First, the sender creates an object asking for the receiver’s public key. Second, when the receiver receives this object, he creates a reply object sending the key back. Third, the sender creates an object containing the actual message encrypted with the receiver’s public key, and, finally, the receiver receives the object and sends an acknowledgement message. The main message can be much longer than the short text string that can fit inside a series of transactions or an output slot; the whitepaper explicitly mentions that the scheme “would allow an individual or organization to anonymously publish content.” If both the sender and receiver are online, the process can happen within seconds, but otherwise they merely need to be online within a two day timespan of each other four times (really three times, as the acknowledgement is not crucial to sending the message) for the transmission to take place. Once two users are aware of each other’s public keys, the first and second steps do not need to be repeated, making the process even easier. Identities on BitMessage are referred to by addresses like “BM-2nijaB5b1C6HESgdqFMoMzWqNchA9w84Xmv”, which are formed from public keys in a similar way to Bitcoin addresses.
However, although the fundamental ideas behind BitMessage are both innovative and sound, BitMessage as it is is not without its flaws. One blogger wrote a scathing review of BitMessage’s security, pointing out that it made a number of elementary mistakes in implementing its encryption algorithms. First, it uses RSA on the message directly rather than using it to generate a one-time key which is then used to encrypt the message, a basic modification which both drastically increases speed and prevents many attacks based on specifically constructing blocks to exploit the algorithm’s mathematical properties. Second, it independently encrypts each block rather than using an encryption mode like cipher block chaining which makes the contents of the encrypted blocks dependent on each other. This means that an attacker can rearrange the blocks of an encrypted message, which it will appear to the receiver as a valid message, as if the original sender intended for the message’s blocks to come in the attacker’s chosen order. Finally, the encryption algorithm does not include an authentication layer, making other kinds of attacks possible. However, BitMessage developer Jon Warren is aware of these flaws, and is working hard on creating another version of the protocol that fixes these issues.
Another one major flaw that BitMessage arguably has is that it is not compatible with Bitcoin itself. Unlike Bitcoin, which uses elliptic curve cryptography to secure transactions and now messages, BitMessage uses 2048-bit RSA. RSA is in many ways more difficult than ECC to work with. It requires much longer key lengths to achieve the same level of security (eg. 3072-bit RSA is about equivalent to Bitcoin’s 256 bit ECC), and because RSA keys must have a special property to be valid (namely, being a product of two large prime numbers) they take a comparatively long time to generate, and there is no standardized algorithm for generating keypairs deterministically from a seed. But the main advantage of a system compatible with Bitcoin is not even this. Rather, it’s the fact that if a similar system were to be designed that could interoperate with Bitcoin’s private and public keys, it would be able to take advantage of the infrastructure that exists around Bitcoin already. It would be able to use the private and public keys that are already sitting in hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin users’ wallets, and would also be able to skip the public key retrieval step, as public keys can easily be recovered from the blockchain.
Furthermore, it would be possible to merge the message transmission and payment features into one, creating a sort of unified payment and social network service in a decentralized way. If Alice wanted to send 10 BTC to Bob, she would not need to ask Bob to give her an address as she does now; rather, she would be able to simply send money to the address that she already uses to send Bob her private communications. The scheme can easily be augmented to preserve privacy. One interesting property of elliptic curve cryptography is the existence of an operation called point multiplication, which allows a public key to be multiplied by a value to create a new public key, from which Alice can generate another address, and then Bob can multiply his private key by the same constant to get a new private key that corresponds to the public key and address that Alice just created. This is the key insight behind a concept known as the deterministic wallet, already implemented in Electrum, and it can be applied to create one-time keys for messaging and payment as well.
Fortunately, the BitMessage protocol is designed to be upgradeable, and the next version of the protocol may end up both solving the security problems and introducing Bitcoin compatibility by simply switching BitMessage’s cryptography to the same elliptic curve system used by Bitcoin. If BitMessage continues to develop and grow, or even if another, similar technology takes its place, what it can offer is a decentralized, cryptographically secure platform that can form the basis for its users’ entire online lives. One can potentially extend the system to add on a web of trust, a systematic way of declaring friends and business relationships, personal webpages, and it already supports a Twitter-like mechanism of subscribing to individuals and receiving a feed from them. In ten years’ time, there is a chance that Bitcoin will prove to be much more than just a decentralized digital currency; it may be the start of an effort to redevelop much of the internet from scratch – and this time done right.
New messaging principles - BITMESSAGE
16 May, 2013
Anonymous It's time to Unite
future of society,
gint sdzelme,
13 May, 2013
EPIZODE NR.6. Raidījuma NEDĒĻA@STARTUPS viesi - JĀNIS ROZENBLATS un ARTŪTRS BERNOVSKIS, kompānijas MAILIGEN.COM līdzdibinātaji dalās ar savu veiksmes stāstu veidojot globālu IT projektu. MAILIGEN.COM ir globāla mēroga uzņēmums, kurš saviem klientiem piedāvā epasta mārketinga platformu un integrētos mārketinga risinājumus. NEDĒĻA@STARTUPS raidījuma vadītājs un moderators GINTS DZELME sarunā ar uzņēmuma MAILIGEN.COM līdzdibinātājiem runā par to, kas nepieciešams, lai ideju pārvērstu par reālu pakalpojumu. Noskaidrojam, kā un kas nepieciešams, lai piesasitītu investoru savam projektam. Par NEDĒĻA@: NEDĒĻA@ ir interneta televīzijas kanāls. Kanāla moderators Gints Dzelme kopā ar ekspertiem un uzaicinātajiem viesiem piedāvā jums vairāk uzzināt un iepazīties ar interesantām Latvijas, Eiropas un Pasaules www kompānijām, kuras savu uzņēmējdarbību veido internetā. Piedāvājam jums no iekšpuses uzzināt un iepazīties ar notiekošo interneta tehnoloģiju nozarē. NEDĒĻA@ interneta televīzijas kanāla un mūsu veidoto raidījumu mērķis ir būt par pakāpienu vai platformu, ar kuras palīdzību jauni interneta uzņēmumi, projekti un idejas var pastāstīt par sevi un paziņot par savu esamību plašajai pasaulei. NEDĒĻA@ aicina atsaukties un peteikties startapus vai uzņēmumus, kuri ir izveidojuši jaunus produktus un kuri vēlas par tiem pastāstīt citiem. Saviem skatītājiem interneta televīzijas kanāls NEDĒĻA@ vēlās būs par avotu jaunām iedvesmām un idejām. Tādēļ arī savius skatītājus aicinam dalīties ar saviem iespaidiem par ieraudzīto un uzzināto. Vēlaties pierādīt sevi biznesā? Jums ir nepieciešama stratēģija? Jūs vēlaties papildus motivāciju sev un savai komandai? Vai vienkārši vēlaties būt informēts par notiekošo nozarē? NEDĒĻA@ ir jūsu rīcībā! Lai nevienu nemulsinātu un nerastos pārpratumi, tad vēlamies informēt, ka aicināto viesu dalība mūsu raidījumos ir BEZ MAKSAS. Protams, ka novērtēsim, ja atbalstīsiet finansiāli mūsu web televīzijas kanālu, par ko pateiksimies izvietojot jūsu reklāmu web televīzijas kanāla NEDĒĻA@ raidījumos. Par reklāmas izvietošanu un raidījumu finansiālo atbalstu lūdzam zvanīt: +371 29425870, +371 26536548 vai rakstīt gints.dzelme[at]createris.com Abonējiet NEDĒĻA@ raidījumus un sekojiet jaunumiem - nedelaat.com/?p=581
gints dzelme,
Culture in Decline | Episode #5 "Baby Go Boom!" by Peter Joseph
culture in decline,
gints dzelme,
11 May, 2013
Who is Peter Joseph?
Who is Peter Joseph? from charles robinson on Vimeo.
Who is Peter Joseph? A Mini-Doc by Charles Robinson. In late 2009 I was able to interview Peter Joseph, the creator of "Zeitgeist, The Movie" and "Zeitgeist- Addendum"; Founder of The Zeitgeist Movement, in his home. He described himself and his life in details in what is likely a rare interview. He was kind enough to provide me with previously unreleased media and video and I in turn did my best to create a documentary (albeit kinda poor in quality compared to his work!) that would help express who this person is. whoispeterjoseph.com
future of society,
gints dzelme,
peter joseph
10 May, 2013
The Zeitgeist Movement | The Venus Project | Ron Paul RAP NEWS Satire! Hilarious!
no money,
the future of society,
Culture in Decline | Episode #4 "War On Nature" by Peter Joseph
culture in decline,
peter joseph,
02 May, 2013
ZUARGUSS KZ un NEDĒĻA@SOCIETY par radikālu pārmaiņu nepieciešamību sabiedrībā.
"Latvijā nepieciešams experiments, kas radikāli pārmainītu sabiedrībā noteikošo procesu gaitu - no DESTRUKCIJAS uz PROGRESU!". EPIZODE NR.5. Interneta televīzijas kanāls NEDĒĻA@ piedāvā jums raidījumu NEDĒĻA@SOCIETY. Šajā raidījumā mēs runāsim par tēmām, kas saistītas ar indivīdu, sabiedrību, un, protams, interneta lomu šodienas sabiedrībā. Šajā raidījumā NEDĒĻA@SOCIETY raidījuma vadītājs un moderators Gints DZELME un Latvijas sabiedrībā pazīstamais ZUARGUSS KZ runā par pārmaiņu nepieciešamību Latvijas sabiedrībā. Noteikti jāizceļ sarunas daļa, kurā runājam par ZUARGUSA pieredzi sastībā ar Latvijas politiskajiem prosesiem - 4VARA.LV un SKAISTANAKOTNE.LV. Kā nozīmīgs ieguldījums bērnu un jauniešu izglītības rīku izstrādē ir ZUARGUSA komandas instrādātās izglitojošās spēles/aplikācijas - OSMARTGAMES.COM.
gints dzelme,
zuarguss kz
01 May, 2013
30 April, 2013
Par tēmu - Re:Baltica: Ko mēs gribējām pateikt ar «mazo algu» rakstu
Mans komentārs par rakstu - http://www.tvnet.lv/zinas/viedokli/462513-rebaltica_ko_mes_gribejam_pateikt_ar_mazo_algu_rakstu
Lieliska tēma - nevienlidzība sabiedrībā, strādnieku šķira un darba devēju šķira. Nav nemaz tālu no Marksa un Engelsa darbu tēmām. Problēma ir tik veca cik sabiedrībā pastāv naudas/preču attiecības. Bet kur ir risinājums? Tāda risinājuma pie pastāvošās ekonomiskās sistēmas (kapitālisma koncepcijas) nepastāv. Nekad un neviens nebūs apmierināts ar noelnīto. Tas ir salīdzināms ar savas astes ķeršanu. Līdzko cilvēki pelnīs vairāk - pieaugs cenas, sāksies inflācija un nopelnītais būs izkusis kā sniegs saulītē. Protams, ka procesi ir daudz sarežģītāki.
Tas, par ko tiek rakstīts un komentēts, ir sekas visiem tiem procesiem, kas patreiz notiek sabiedrībā, gan Latvijā, gan Eiropā, gan citur pasaulē. Un, jāatzīst, ka pie mums nemaz nav tik slikti, kā ir citur, kur ir bads, slimības un daudz lielāka nabadzība.
Kas ir galvenais vainīgais, ko jāsēdina aiz restēm? Tā ir NAUDA. Visu proecesu pamatā šodien ir NAUDA. Nauda izmaina cilvēkus. Tās iegūšanas procesos tiek sagrauda daba un izniekoti resursi, tai skaitā cilvēku resusrsi. Ekonomika, ko māca skolās un augstskolās ir pilnīgi aplama - tā nemāca ekonomēt, bet māca pelnīt naudu izniekojot dabas resursus. Tā grauj cilvēku patiesās vērtības - mīlestību, labsirdību, līdzcietību, prieku, vēlešanos radīt vērtības, kas dotu mūsu sabiedrībai. Padomājiet - ko jūs, mēs, cilvēki pielūdzam? Vai tā nav NAUDA? Kam jūs veltat visu savu dzīvi? Vai tā, gadījumā, nav skriešana pēc NAUDAS un tās tā saucamā "pelnīšana"?
Vai jums ir atbilde uz jautājumu - ko darīt un ko mainīt? Vai nebūtu jāatbrīvojās no naudas kā tādas. Kā to izdarīt - jāsaliek visiem galvas kopā un jāizdomā.
No. 1 Hobby in Latvia
27 April, 2013
OFF THE GRID - Dokumentālā filma par [ne]ekonomiku
09 April, 2013
Innocent, in a way.
" What I realized over the years is that when I'm on camera and I'm going to have sex all these ideas of what's right and wrong in society they go away "
BELLADONNA is an American porn actress.
" Why my painting are shocking ? They are just relax people...naked people, they are showing their vaginas. But what is a vagina, man ?... It's the most important tool in life "
ALBERTO MIELGO is a Spanish painter.
This short documentary follows two different artistic world for an unexpected combination.
Directed by Alexis Wanneroy
To see the Final Painting : albertomielgo.com/sintitulobell.html
aberto mieglo,
08 April, 2013
Nekas pārdabisks - "Sapņu piepildījumam vidējam latvietim mēnesī nepieciešami 1 473 lati".
Tiesa gan, pētnieki norāda, ka vasarā iedzīvotāji šai ziņā ir nedaudz pieticīgāki, jo apkures sezonas problēmas nav aktuālas. Tostarp gandrīz puse jeb 47% aptaujāto norādījuši, ka viņiem pietiktu ar summu līdz 500 latiem, bet tikai nedaudz mazāk – 43% - saukuši naudas summas robežās no 501 līdz 1000 latiem. To, ka normālai dzīvei vajadzētu saņemt algu, kas lielāka par 1000 latiem, minējuši vien 9% aptaujāto. Savukārt, norādot, cik lieli ienākumi respondentiem būtu nepieciešami, lai varētu īstenot visus savus sapņus, gandrīz puse jeb 49% aptaujāto minējuši summu līdz 1000 latiem mēnesī, 27% šim nolūkam būtu nepieciešami ienākumi 1001-2000 latu robežās, bet vairāk nekā 2000 latu sapņu piepildījumam nepieciešams 19% aptaujāto. Tikai 14% respondentu teikuši, ka tam pietiktu arī ar ienākumiem līdz 500 latiem mēnesī. Jāpiebilst, ka vidējā respondentu norādītā summa šajā jautājumā vairāk nekā divkārt pārsniedz normāla dzīves līmeņa prasības – sapņu piepildījumam vidējam Latvijas iedzīvotājam nepieciešami 1473 lati mēnesī. Pētījumā vaicāts arī, kādiem ieņēmumiem būtu jābūt ģimenē ar trim bērniem, lai varētu pienācīgi iztikt, un vidējā aptaujāto nosauktā summa ir 1362 lati. Jāpiebilst, ka iedzīvotāju atbildes šai jautājumā būtiski neatšķiras atkarībā no tā, vai viņiem ir bērni vai nav. To, ka šādas ģimenes ienākumiem vajadzētu būt līdz 1000 latiem, norādīja 46% aptaujāto, tostarp 21% aptaujāto atzīmēja tieši 1000 latu. Savukārt 40% respondentu pauduši viedokli, ka ģimenei ar trim bērniem nepieciešams no 1001 līdz 2000 latiem, bet 11% aptaujāto uzskata, ka pienācīgi iztikt šādā gadījumā nav iespējams bez 2000 latiem mēnesī.
gints dzelme,
iztikas optimums,
latvijas barometrs
Anonymous: Operation Israel 2.0
03 April, 2013
Stan Lee Cole - Separated
Stan Lee Cole - Separated from Mark Borgions on Vimeo.
Very nice video and music. Just for some feelings. Separated by Stan Lee Cole. Official music video. Video by Mark Borgions.26 March, 2013
Forget Cyprus, Japan Is The Real Crisis
Forget Cyprus. A much bigger story in the coming weeks and months will be in Japan, where one of the greatest economic experiments in the modern era is about to begin. A country where government debt even dwarfs those of Europe’s crisis-ridden nations, Japan will attempt to inflate its way out of a 23-year deflationary spiral.
The overwhelming consensus among the world’s economists is that quantitative easing (QE) has saved the day in the U.S. and that Japan needs to follow suit, on a larger scale. I beg to differ and suggest this policy will almost certainly lead to a hyperinflationary disaster in Japan. If that’s right, it will have serious ramifications for other countries, dragged down by an acceleration of the so-called currency wars. More broadly though, it is likely to destroy the myth pushed by today’s economists that QE is a cure-all for downtrodden economies. It isn’t and Japan will become the template to prove it.
Monster stimulus on the way
The new Bank of Japan (BoJ) Governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, started work on Thursday and his first day on the job disappointed investors. At a press conference, Kuroda pledged to do whatever it takes to defeat deflation and reiterated the government’s target of 2% inflation. But he provided little in the way of specifics and investors promptly bought the yen and sold stocks.
The new Bank of Japan (BoJ) Governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, started work on Thursday and his first day on the job disappointed investors. At a press conference, Kuroda pledged to do whatever it takes to defeat deflation and reiterated the government’s target of 2% inflation. But he provided little in the way of specifics and investors promptly bought the yen and sold stocks.
More concrete measurers will almost certainly come by the central bank meeting on April 3-4. There are good odds that they may come even earlier via an emergency meeting of the bank.
It’s widely expected that the BoJ will expand its 101 trillion yen (US$1.06 trillion) asset buying program by more than 10 million yen. Also, it will start buying Japanese government bonds with remaining maturities of up to five years by scrapping the upper limit of three years by the end of April.
The idea behind the strategy is that you create money out of thin air, use that money to buy government bonds off private institutions and others, thereby increasing money supply and possibly inflation. Also, the institutions will start lending the money out, thereby kick-starting spending and the economy. That’s the theory anyhow.
What was fascinating to watch was the verbal sparring between the outgoing and incoming BoJ governors. In Japan, where group consensus rules, this was almost an outright brawl.
Outgoing Governor Masaaki Shirakawa has never been a believer in the inflationist policies of the new government and he didn’t mince his words in his final days in office:
“Even if prices rise 2% and wages do the same, that won’t mean an improvement in people’s living standards … what we want to achieve is an increase in real economic growth…
… Past figures in Japan as well as in Europe and the U.S. show that the link between monetary base and prices has been broken.”
The latter refers to the fact that printed money in the U.S. and Europe hasn’t flowed through to economies as banks have sat on the money rather than lent it out.
And if Shirakawa wasn’t clear with the above, he was with the following:
“If there was one single measure that would have resolved the problem, just like clearing a fog, then we wouldn’t have been in this state for the past 15 years.”
The new BoJ chief, Haruhiko Kuroda, wasted little time trampling on his predecessor’s legacy. Though couched in economic jargon, his statements were clear enough: Shirakawa was part of a failed era of central banking and something new needed to be done:
“It’s very important for the BoJ to make itself responsible for the 2% [inflation] target by a certain period … We should not make excuses that it wasn’t our responsibility if we fail to achieve it.”
“In the long term, the correlation between money supply and inflation is high.”
In other words, if we print enough money, inflation will come. And we’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Is it the right path?
The sparring between the two central bankers isn’t just an arcane discussion. It’s part of a much larger debate about the effectiveness of stimulus policies. And it matters because Japan is the world’s third-largest economy and it’s about to pursue these policies on a grander scale.
The sparring between the two central bankers isn’t just an arcane discussion. It’s part of a much larger debate about the effectiveness of stimulus policies. And it matters because Japan is the world’s third-largest economy and it’s about to pursue these policies on a grander scale.
What’s amazing is the extent to which those advocating stimulus in the slow-growth developed world now dominate public debate. Consider a recent article by Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf, entitled “The sad record of fiscal austerity”. In it, Wolf takes Europe to task for enforcing spending cuts while their economies were in dismal shape:
“By adopting [outright monetary transactions], the [European Central Bank] could have prevented the panic which drove the [credit] spreads that justified the austerity. It did not do so. Tens of millions of people are suffering unnecessary hardship. It is tragic.”
He goes on to recommend a mix of stimulus, increased public spend and structural reforms to help Europe’s plight. And he finishes with this:
“In the long run, the fiscal deficit must close. In the short run, the UK has the chance to pursue growth. It should take it. So should the US.”
The arguments of Wolf and others of his ilk can be crudely summarised by three facts, which most of them would regard as beyond dispute.
Fact 1: The U.S. recovery proves stimulus works and the recovery will happen faster if there’s more aggressive QE.
Fact 2: Europe remains in the doldrums because it’s pursued spending cuts which have failed to repair economies.
Fact 3: Japan has never tried aggressive stimulus to overcome its long-term deflation problem and it needs to follow in U.S. footsteps immediately.
Given these are “facts” beyond dispute, let me dispute them.
Fact 1: It is far too early to tell whether U.S. stimulus policies have worked. They have propped up the economy in the short-term, but whether that’s sustainable in the long run is open to question. Even in the short-term though, the recovery has been slow and unimpressive. Consider: 2012 GDP growth of 2.2% vs a post World War Two average of 3.2%, a current unemployment rate at 11.3% if you include that have dropped out of the workforce since 2008, real household incomes are still 10% below levels in 2000 and the velocity of money (M2) is the lowest in more than 50 years (indicating printed money hasn’t circulating into the real economy).
Fact 2: Europe hasn’t pursued austerity. Anyone who says it has is lying. But it makes for a nice political argument in favour of stimulus. European total debt has kept climbing, now at 390%, as the private sector hasn’t paid down any debt, while governments have increased their debt portions. No cutbacks here!
And for the curious, unlike QE, there is some historical evidence that austerity can actually work. In my neighbourhood of Asia, the financial crisis of 1997-1998 brought tremendous pain to many Asian countries, but through austerity and sweeping economic reforms, they recovered relatively quickly and in much better shape.
Fact 3: Those that claim that Japan has never pursued aggressive stimulus are talking rubbish. But again, it’s nice propaganda for Keynesian advocates. From 2001-2006, Japan embraced large-scale stimulus, with its monetary base increasing by a mammoth 36% year-on-year at its peak. During the period, the monetary base rose 82% in total. But economic growth was never revived, the currency rose rather than fell and inflation continued to decline. QE in Japan was dropped because it was seen as failing.
So the question must be asked: will the conventional wisdom advocating enormous stimulus be Japan’s saviour or its noose?
Why Japan will fail
The subtitle indicates where I stand on the matter. Given its over-indebtedness, Japan has few good options left. But the policies being pursued by Shinzo Abe will fast-forward a major debt and currency crisis. It’s a matter of when, not if.
The subtitle indicates where I stand on the matter. Given its over-indebtedness, Japan has few good options left. But the policies being pursued by Shinzo Abe will fast-forward a major debt and currency crisis. It’s a matter of when, not if.
Government debt to GDP in Japan is now 245%, far higher than any other country. Total debt to GDP is 500%. Government expenditure to government revenue is a staggering 2000%. Meanwhile interest costs on government debt equal 25% of government revenue.
There’s no way that Japan will ever repay this debt. It has two main options: either go through extraordinary pain by cutting back on government expenditure or print substantial money to inflate some of the debt away.
Japan is choosing the second option, as are most governments around the world. It would rather print money than cut spending and doom the economy to a substantial contraction. The choice to print money though will result in an even more painful and drawn-out outcome.
It’s inevitable that the yen will fall further from here, potentially much further. I’ve previously said that the yen at 200 or 300 on the dollar would not surprise. This could prove optimistic.
It also seems inevitable that Japanese interest rates will rise and bonds will sell off. Yields have to rise to just 2% for interest costs on government debt to take up 80% of government revenue. The jig will be up well before that though.
Those that argue this won’t happen as 91% of Japanese government bonds are held by domestic investors are missing some key points. Foreign ownership of bonds is rising as domestic investors need more money to fund their retirements (Japan’s rapidly ageing population). Foreigners will demand higher yields for the risks that they’re taking on. And even domestic investors aren’t going to sit by earning 0.6% on a 10-year bond as hyperinflation takes hold and the currency tanks.
Currency wars to begin in earnest
Talk of currency wars has been on the backburner for a few months. Expect that talk to heat up and become a reality as Japan ramps up stimulus in the next two weeks.
Talk of currency wars has been on the backburner for a few months. Expect that talk to heat up and become a reality as Japan ramps up stimulus in the next two weeks.
The likes of South Korea and Taiwan are already suffering from the sharp fall of the yen. They, and many others such as Germany and emerging countries, aren’t going to sit by and watch their exporters get priced out of the market by the Japanese. They’ll retaliate with currency depreciations of their own and the currency wars will be on in earnest. But the question is whether these countries will be able to keep up with a hyper-inflating Japan. I highly doubt it.
This post was originally published at Asia Confidential: http://asiaconf.com/
economy of the world,
japan crisis
25 March, 2013
EPIZODE NR.2. - NEDĒĻA@STARTUPS ciemos pie TECHHUB RIGA. Apmeklējām TechHUB Riga organizēto pasākumu Monthly Meetup (riga.techhub.com/events/techhub-riga-monthly-meetup), kurā startup uzņēmumi dalās ar savu pieredzi. Uz sarunu pastāstīt par TECHHUB RIGA esam aicinājuši TECHHUB RIGA līdzdibinātāju Andri BĒRZIŅU.
Andris Bērziņš,
gints dzelme,
Techhub Riga
11 March, 2013
Raubini: tirgus šogad sagaida šoks, bet Eiropu «Itālijas cunami»
patlaban pārdzīvo nopietnu sociālpolitisku fragmentāciju, kas var
novest pie tālākas monetārās savienības nestabilitātes. Lielāko «cunami
risku» patlaban sagādā Itālijas politiskā paralīzi, pavēstījis
pazīstamais ekonomists, par doktoru Pastardienu sauktais Noriels
Runājot Itālijā, N. Raubini norādīja, ka valsts iekšpolitiskā situācija
atspoguļo lielākas problēmas, ar kurām patlaban saskaras Eiropas
monetārā savienība. «Itālijā briest vētra. Itālijas vēlēšanu rezultāts
ir signāls, kas liecina par to, ka lielākā daļa cilvēku ir noskaņoti
pret taupības režīmu. Par to liecina ne tikai notikumi Itālijā –
Lisabonā ielās protestēt devās pusmiljons cilvēku, Grieķijā bezdarbs ir
25%, Spānijā puse valsts jauniešu ir bez darba. Tas viss rada nemieru,»
N. Raubini sacīto citē CNBC.N. Raubini arī skaidroja, ka Itālijas gadījumā, visticamāk, neatkārtsies Grieķijas scenārijs, jo Romai eirozonā ir daudz lielāka ietekme. «Itālija nav Grieķija un var apdraudēt Vācijas pozīcijas, sakot, ka, ja Berlīne nepiekāpsies, lietas var palikt nekontrolējamas,» pieļāva pazīstamais ekonomists.
Kopumā, neskatoties uz atsevišķākām pozitīvām pazīmēm, vairāki citi neatrisināti jautājumi nozīmē, ka vēl šogad tirgos gaidāms pamatīs šoks. N. Raubini pauda uzskatu, ka nodokļu sloga palielināšana bagātajiem amerikāņiem ietekmēs ASV ekonomisko izaugsmi jau šogad un sagraus atdzīvošanos valsts mājokļu un enerģētikas tirgū. «Nodokļi bagātniekiem bijuši izgāšanās, jo ir samazinājuši ienākumus. Jau patlaban ir zīmes, kas liecina, ka samazinās patēriņš. Savukārt budžeta izdevumu samazināšana «izdzēsīs» 1,5% no iekšzemes kopprodukta, kas ekonomikai, kura pērn augusi tikai nedaudz, ir iznīcinoši,» klāstīja N. Raubini.
eiropas savienība,
09 March, 2013
NEDĒĻA@STARTUPS EPIZODE NR.1. Studijā ir aicināts dalīties ar savu pieredzi Māris DREIMANIS - transporta un kravu apmaiņas portāla ONFREX.LV vadītājs. Eksperta lomā jautājumus uzdeva Arnis LELĪTIS . Šoreiz runājam par transporta un kravu apmaiņas pakalpojumu, ko piedāvā izmantot portāls ONFREX.LV. Sarunā runājam un diskutējam par transporta pakalpojuma piedāvājumu web vidē.06 March, 2013
The Self Balancing Electric Motorcycle of the Future
05 March, 2013
25 February, 2013
The Lie of Meritocracy: Chris Hayes' Twilight of the Elites
failure of elite,
State of My Union
killing americans,
killing people,
22 February, 2013
Russian Meteor—Another Shock to the System | Space News
electric universe,
explosion of meteor,
meteor over Russia,
space news
The Next Ice Age - An Introduction to a Possible Shift Soon
Teen Girl Rebuilds Car from Scratch
Kathryn Dimaria,
21 February, 2013
13 February, 2013
US "General Reinwald" Version
Subject: Greatest comeback line
Marine Corp's General Reinwald was interviewed on the radio the other day and you have to read his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children. Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you gotta love this!!!! This is one of the best comeback lines of all time. It is a portion of National Public Radio (NPR) interview between a female broadcaster and US Marine Corps General Reinwald who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military installation.
So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?
We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting.
Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?
I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.
Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?
I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.
But you're equipping them to become violent killers.
Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?
The radio went silent and the interview ended.
You gotta love the Marines!
Marine Corp's General Reinwald was interviewed on the radio the other day and you have to read his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children. Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you gotta love this!!!! This is one of the best comeback lines of all time. It is a portion of National Public Radio (NPR) interview between a female broadcaster and US Marine Corps General Reinwald who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military installation.
So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?
We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting.
Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?
I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.
Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?
I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.
But you're equipping them to become violent killers.
Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?
The radio went silent and the interview ended.
You gotta love the Marines!
general reinwald,
violent killers
07 February, 2013
Project Glass: One day...
Starchild DNA Showing "Wright" Stuff
05 February, 2013
Anonymous: Operation Last Resort
04 February, 2013
Profesore: kāds ir iemesls cilvēkiem nemaksāt nodokļus?
«Mana pieredze Norvēģijā ir tāda: ja dzīvo sistēmā, kas labi
funkcionē, tas ir tik ērti, ka sistēmu krāpt negribi. Dzīve ir tik
sakārtota, ka labprāt maksā nodokļus un zini - kad vajadzēs, tev būs
ārsts un viss cits, kas nepieciešams,» intervijā izdevumam Ir sacījusi Norvēģijā dzīvojošā arhitekte un Vesterdāla Komunikācijas skolas profesore Vēsma Kontere McQuillan.
Izlasot rakstu un palasot komentārus, Takeši komentārs likās pārpublicēšanas vērts.....
Parasti šādi "novērotāji" un "padomu" devēji spriež sekli, mājsaimnieces līmenī, tāpēc nekautrējos bliezt tādā pašā līmenī. Visa tā lieta, ko sauc par augstu dzīves līmeni sastāv no daudziem ķieģelīšiem, bieži vien, iztrūkstot vienam, pārējie sabrūk. Runājot par Skandināvijas valstīm, parasti tiek uzsvērta viņu disciplinētība nodokļu lietās. Tomēr jāņem vērā, ka cilvēks baidās riskēt tikai tad, ja tiešām ir ko zaudēt. Ja norvēģu terapeits šmauksies, tad zaudēs iespēju no katra pacienta noslaukt 90 Ls. Un tā visās dzīves sfērās. Starp citu, ja norges ir droši, ka 100 procentu nevar pieķert, tad, divreiz nedomājot, lietas nokārto skaidrā naudā. Parasti "ģimenes" lokā tā arī dara. Tātad maksa par pakalpojumiem (dzīvokļa īre, komunālie) pie mums ir salīdzinoši zema, tāpēc arī kopējais eksistences līmenis nav augsts. Polijā ir vēl trakāk, bet tas jau cits stāsts.
Otra lieta ir naudas masa ekonomikā. Mūsu vadoņi lepojas ar to, ka izņēmuši no apgrozības simtiem miljonu latu (lasi: nolaiduši ekonomikai litriem asiņu) un priecājas, ka pacients (iedzīvotāji) kļuvis pavisam mierīgs - nepērk nekustamos īpašumus, jaunas mašīnas. Vēl vairāk - priecājas par to, ka nekustamos īpašumus pērk pārsvarā tikai ārzemnieki. Tās taču esot investīcijas un valsts bilance uzlabojas. Ilgtermiņā tas atgriezīsies kā nopietna problēma, jo investori nāk, lai pelnītu un pašu bāleliņiem atkal būs jālien Skandināvu banku kredītos, lai nopirktu no spekulantiem dzīvojamo.
Trešā lieta. Rakstā minēts, ka viss tiek pirkts uz kredīta. Faktam kā tādam nav ne vainas, tikai tiek aizmirsts, ka pie mums bankas norāva stop krānu un pēkšņi viss kļuva nelikvīds. Tas nozīmē, ka pērkot dzīvokli Norvēģijā, tu vari būt samērā drošs, ka nepieciešamības gadījumā no tā tiksi vaļā un, iespējams, pat nedaudz nopelnīsi. Mēs arī tā domājām līdz brīdim, kad piedzīvojām burbuļa spridzināšanu.
Ceturtā lieta. Nodokļu samērīgums un taisnīga iekasēšana. Valsts ir tiesnesis, kurš seko, lai VISI ievērotu spēles noteikumus. Pie mums ir veselas sfēras, kurās noziedzīgi tiek iegūta nauda (nelegālais alkohols, prostitūcija utml.), kur valsts pat īsti nemēģina kaut ko iekasēt. Toties ir apņēmības pilni iekasēt naudu no ogu lasītāja mežā. Ja vēl mēģinām apjēgt to, ka ienesīgos monopolus (enerģētika, bankas, legālais alkohols utml.) valsts ir atdevusi skandināvu un krievu "investoru" kontrolē, tad kopējā bilde izskatās pavisam bēdīga. Vidējam tūdaliņam deleģētas iespējas klūdziņas pīt un prievītes siet. Ja tūdaliņam valstī valdošās labklājības un ekonomikā esošās naudas masas rezultātā apgrozījums būtu garantēts pāris desmiti miljonu un kaut vai 90 % valsts savāktu nodokļos, tad ar atlikušajiem 10% miljonu varētu dzīvot cepuri kuldams. Valsts uzmanītu, lai neviens leitis te pa kreiso nebīdītu rebes, ne viens ara tirgū netirgotu kreiso preci un viss būtu štokos. Tas taču ir smieklīgi, ka tabakas rūpnīca veras ciet, jo kreiso cigarešu īpatsvars ir tik milzīgs, ka ražošana kļūst nerentabla. Toties nodokļi tiek sarēķināti labu laiku uz priekšu - peļņas nodoklis jāmaksā avansā, PVN izrakstot rēķinu pat nezinot saņemsi šo naudu vai nē.
Ar to visu gribu teikt, ka nav korekti salīdzināt NO ar LV. Ja manis aprakstītajam pieliekam iedzīvotāju sajūtas, ka tilti un puķu kioski pie mums tiek celti nekaunīgi dārgi, ceļi būvēti ar pāris gadu garantiju, bibliotēku bez miljonu simtiem nevar uzbūvēt, deputātiem algas tiek maksātas cītīgi arī mēnešos, kad tie faktiski nav strādājuši, ja deputāts pieķerts pie rokas par nodokļu šmaukšanos tiek cauri sveikā, bet sportists tiek sodīts tikai uz VID notikumu interpretācijas pamata, tad nav ko brīnīties, ka cilvēku noskaņojumi Skandināvijā un Latvijā atšķirās.
Izlasot rakstu un palasot komentārus, Takeši komentārs likās pārpublicēšanas vērts.....
Parasti šādi "novērotāji" un "padomu" devēji spriež sekli, mājsaimnieces līmenī, tāpēc nekautrējos bliezt tādā pašā līmenī. Visa tā lieta, ko sauc par augstu dzīves līmeni sastāv no daudziem ķieģelīšiem, bieži vien, iztrūkstot vienam, pārējie sabrūk. Runājot par Skandināvijas valstīm, parasti tiek uzsvērta viņu disciplinētība nodokļu lietās. Tomēr jāņem vērā, ka cilvēks baidās riskēt tikai tad, ja tiešām ir ko zaudēt. Ja norvēģu terapeits šmauksies, tad zaudēs iespēju no katra pacienta noslaukt 90 Ls. Un tā visās dzīves sfērās. Starp citu, ja norges ir droši, ka 100 procentu nevar pieķert, tad, divreiz nedomājot, lietas nokārto skaidrā naudā. Parasti "ģimenes" lokā tā arī dara. Tātad maksa par pakalpojumiem (dzīvokļa īre, komunālie) pie mums ir salīdzinoši zema, tāpēc arī kopējais eksistences līmenis nav augsts. Polijā ir vēl trakāk, bet tas jau cits stāsts.
Otra lieta ir naudas masa ekonomikā. Mūsu vadoņi lepojas ar to, ka izņēmuši no apgrozības simtiem miljonu latu (lasi: nolaiduši ekonomikai litriem asiņu) un priecājas, ka pacients (iedzīvotāji) kļuvis pavisam mierīgs - nepērk nekustamos īpašumus, jaunas mašīnas. Vēl vairāk - priecājas par to, ka nekustamos īpašumus pērk pārsvarā tikai ārzemnieki. Tās taču esot investīcijas un valsts bilance uzlabojas. Ilgtermiņā tas atgriezīsies kā nopietna problēma, jo investori nāk, lai pelnītu un pašu bāleliņiem atkal būs jālien Skandināvu banku kredītos, lai nopirktu no spekulantiem dzīvojamo.
Trešā lieta. Rakstā minēts, ka viss tiek pirkts uz kredīta. Faktam kā tādam nav ne vainas, tikai tiek aizmirsts, ka pie mums bankas norāva stop krānu un pēkšņi viss kļuva nelikvīds. Tas nozīmē, ka pērkot dzīvokli Norvēģijā, tu vari būt samērā drošs, ka nepieciešamības gadījumā no tā tiksi vaļā un, iespējams, pat nedaudz nopelnīsi. Mēs arī tā domājām līdz brīdim, kad piedzīvojām burbuļa spridzināšanu.
Ceturtā lieta. Nodokļu samērīgums un taisnīga iekasēšana. Valsts ir tiesnesis, kurš seko, lai VISI ievērotu spēles noteikumus. Pie mums ir veselas sfēras, kurās noziedzīgi tiek iegūta nauda (nelegālais alkohols, prostitūcija utml.), kur valsts pat īsti nemēģina kaut ko iekasēt. Toties ir apņēmības pilni iekasēt naudu no ogu lasītāja mežā. Ja vēl mēģinām apjēgt to, ka ienesīgos monopolus (enerģētika, bankas, legālais alkohols utml.) valsts ir atdevusi skandināvu un krievu "investoru" kontrolē, tad kopējā bilde izskatās pavisam bēdīga. Vidējam tūdaliņam deleģētas iespējas klūdziņas pīt un prievītes siet. Ja tūdaliņam valstī valdošās labklājības un ekonomikā esošās naudas masas rezultātā apgrozījums būtu garantēts pāris desmiti miljonu un kaut vai 90 % valsts savāktu nodokļos, tad ar atlikušajiem 10% miljonu varētu dzīvot cepuri kuldams. Valsts uzmanītu, lai neviens leitis te pa kreiso nebīdītu rebes, ne viens ara tirgū netirgotu kreiso preci un viss būtu štokos. Tas taču ir smieklīgi, ka tabakas rūpnīca veras ciet, jo kreiso cigarešu īpatsvars ir tik milzīgs, ka ražošana kļūst nerentabla. Toties nodokļi tiek sarēķināti labu laiku uz priekšu - peļņas nodoklis jāmaksā avansā, PVN izrakstot rēķinu pat nezinot saņemsi šo naudu vai nē.
Ar to visu gribu teikt, ka nav korekti salīdzināt NO ar LV. Ja manis aprakstītajam pieliekam iedzīvotāju sajūtas, ka tilti un puķu kioski pie mums tiek celti nekaunīgi dārgi, ceļi būvēti ar pāris gadu garantiju, bibliotēku bez miljonu simtiem nevar uzbūvēt, deputātiem algas tiek maksātas cītīgi arī mēnešos, kad tie faktiski nav strādājuši, ja deputāts pieķerts pie rokas par nodokļu šmaukšanos tiek cauri sveikā, bet sportists tiek sodīts tikai uz VID notikumu interpretācijas pamata, tad nav ko brīnīties, ka cilvēku noskaņojumi Skandināvijā un Latvijā atšķirās.
Anonymous, Wikileaks, Aaron Swartz...
22 January, 2013
Energy from Space
1) The climate change is real, and there is more to it than CO2 and 'global warming' - it is all extremes.
2) The entire solar system appears to be changing simultaneously.
3) The magnetic changes on earth began hundreds of years ago, and need to be tracked more effectively.
4) Weather modification appears to be implemented, and IMHO it is a zero-sum game.
Fact vs Opinion: The 'Weather Modification' segment contains many statements of my personal opinion on the negative aspects of the various applications. I have nothing but my humble opinion on those matters; humans survived this event before, and we can do it again now. HAARP comments are meant to help focus our efforts to properly identify these various machines of modification. While auroral modulation has it's benefits, my negative comments about weather modification applies to HAARP as well.
Music: Instrumentals by HOT100, version of 'Ambition' by Wale, Meek Mill & Rick Ross
2) The entire solar system appears to be changing simultaneously.
3) The magnetic changes on earth began hundreds of years ago, and need to be tracked more effectively.
4) Weather modification appears to be implemented, and IMHO it is a zero-sum game.
Fact vs Opinion: The 'Weather Modification' segment contains many statements of my personal opinion on the negative aspects of the various applications. I have nothing but my humble opinion on those matters; humans survived this event before, and we can do it again now. HAARP comments are meant to help focus our efforts to properly identify these various machines of modification. While auroral modulation has it's benefits, my negative comments about weather modification applies to HAARP as well.
Music: Instrumentals by HOT100, version of 'Ambition' by Wale, Meek Mill & Rick Ross
climate change,
13 January, 2013
02 January, 2013
Valsts pārvalde ir bezjēdzīga vide
kontroliere Inguna Sudraba pieļauj, ka viens no iemesliem, kāpēc cilvēki
pamet darbu valsts pārvaldē, ir nespēja atrasties bezjēdzīgā vidē.
Intervijā aģentūrai LETA Sudraba kritizēja lielo informatīvo
ziņojumu un koncepciju skaitu, kas tiek radītas valsts pārvaldē, jo pēc
tam šie dokumenti bieži vien netiek tālāk izmantoti. Viņasprāt, tā ir
bezjēdzīga rīcība.Cilvēki, kuri ir motivēti un grib redzēt sava darba rezultātus, kas nav tikai šī uzrakstītā koncepcija, šādā sistēmā nevar ilglaicīgi pastāvēt, jo cilvēkam ir loģiski ieraudzīt sava darba rezultātu, spriež Sudraba, paskaidrojot, ka ar darba rezultātu domā to, ka idejas un priekšlikumi ir realizēti dzīvē, ka tas kaut ko pēc tam ir devis kopējam valsts, sabiedrības labumam.
Viņasprāt, tieši tas demotivē cilvēkus un ir vēl viens no iemesliem, kāpēc liela daļa cilvēku pamet darbu valsts pārvaldē - tā ir nespēja atrasties bezjēdzīgā vidē.
Sudraba arī kritizēja valsts pārvaldi, ka tā nav uz rezultātu orientēta un tajā nepastāv atbildība par rezultāta sasniegšanu. Jautāta, vai Valsts kancelejas izstrādātā cilvēkresursu koncepcija varētu mainīt situāciju valsts pārvaldē, Sudraba skaidroja, ka vispirms visam darbam ir jābūt organizētam tā, ka ir kopējas stratēģijas, izvirzītie mērķi, sasniedzamie rezultāti.
«Ar pašu cilvēkresursu procesu nevar izmainīt darba plānošanu un organizāciju valsts pārvaldē. Cilvēkresursi ir jāvirza jau izvirzītu mērķu sasniegšanai. Ja ir zināmi mērķi un sasniedzamie rezultāti, tad ar cilvēkresursu procesu saprot, kādi resursi tam ir vajadzīgi, kādas kompetences nepieciešamas, kā darbiniekus motivēt un novērtēt, kā pareizi izvirzīt uzdevumus,"»teica valsts kontroliere.
bezjēdzīga vide,
Inguna Sudraba,
valsts pārvalde
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