23 December, 2011
16 December, 2011
Lagarde: pasaules ekonomikas perspektīvas ir drūmas un draud Lielās Depresijas atkārtošanās
«Pasaulē nav tādas ekonomikas, vienalga vai nabadzīgās valstis, attīstības valstis, valstis ar vidējiem ienākumiem, vai augsti attīstītas valstis, kas būs pasargātas no krīzes, kura ne tikai vēršas plašumā, bet arī nepārtraukti pieaug,» sacīja K. Lagarde. «Tā nav krīze, kuru var atrisināt viena valstu grupa. Cerams, ka to varēs atrisināt visu valstu un reģionu kopīgie pūliņi».
K. Lagarde arī akcentēja, ka svarīgi ir pieņemt šo realitāti, nevis mēģināt to noliegt un no tās izvairīties. Tomēr SVF vadītāja nekonkretizēja tieši kādas darbības pasaules valstīm būtu jāveic, vēsta AP.
Tāpat SVF vadītāja aicināja pasaules vērtspapīru tirgus dot valstīm laiku, lai nonāktu līdz risinājumam. «Būtu ideāli un jauki, skatoties no tirgus perspektīvas, ja lēmums tiktu pieņemts, parakstīts un ieviests vienas nakts laikā. Diemžēl tiem, kuriem ir paveicies dzīvot demokrātiskās sabiedrībās, šīs lietas nenotiek tādā veidā un prasa laiku,» klāstīja K. Lagarde.
Ceturtdien starptautiskā reitingu aģentūra Fitch samazināja sešu ietekmīgu pasaules banku reitingus. Reitingu samazināšana skāra amerikāņu Bank of America un Goldman Sachs, britu Barclays, franču BNP Paribas, vāciešu Deutsche Bank un šveiciešu Credit Suisse.
Savukārt otra reitingu aģentūra – Standard & Poor’s – samazināja reitingus desmit Spānijas bankām, kā arī brīdināja, ka varētu arī turpināt reitingu samazināšanu.
Jānis Rancāns, http://www.db.lv/pasaule/lagarde-pasaules-ekonomikas-perspektivas-ir-drumas-un-draud-lielas-depresijas-atkartosanas-249704
No kurienes Bankām rodās NAUDA?
12 December, 2011
Sabiedribas Banka - jauna banka Latvijas sabiedrībai
Ošlejs situāciju Latvijā salīdzina ar Vāciju pēc Otrā pasaules kara
05 December, 2011
Rimšēvičs: neņemiet kredītus; krīzes otrais vilnis ir klāt
Eksperts: Otrais krīzes vilnis uzņem augstumu
Gads nebūs viegls
Eksperts prognozēja, ka nākamais gads pasaulē nebūs viegls, kā arī Eiropa ar savām problēmām var "paraut līdzi" pārējo pasauli. "Tas pats notika 2008.gadā, kad bija ASV mājokļu tirgus krīzīte, bet tā pārauga haosā," sacīja ekonomists.
Problēmas būs visiem
Arī pārāk lielie valstu parādi ne par ko labu neliecina. Pēc Vaikuļa domām, problēmas nākamgad būs visiem, turklāt diezgan pamatīgas. Arī cilvēkiem, kas nodarbojas ar akciju pirkšanu un pārdošanu, ir jābūt uzmanīgiem.
"Skaidrā nauda arī nav slikta ideja. Ja 3-4 mēnešu laikā tirgū nobrūk cenas, skaidrā nauda sniegs iespēju nopirkt kaut ko lēti," uzsvēra Vaikulis.
"Citadele Asset Management" valdes loceklis Zigurds Vaikulis
24 November, 2011
#OCCUPYXMAS kicks off Nov 25/26
You’ve been sleeping on the streets for two months pleading peacefully for a new spirit in economics. And just as your camps are raided, your eyes pepper sprayed and your head’s knocked in, another group of people are preparing to camp-out. Only these people aren’t here to support occupy Wall Street, they’re here to secure their spot in line for a Black Friday bargain at Super Target and Macy’s.
Occupy gave the world a new way of thinking about the fat cats and financial pirates on Wall Street. Now lets give them a new way of thinking about the holidays, about our own consumption habits. Lets’ use the coming 20th annual Buy Nothing Day to launch an all-out offensive to unseat the corporate kings on the holiday throne.
This year’s Black Friday will be the first campaign of the holiday season where we set the tone for a new type of holiday culminating with #OCCUPYXMAS. As the global protests of the 99% against corporate greed and casino capitalism continues, lets take the opportunity to hit the empire where it really hurts…the wallet.
On Nov 25/26th we escape the mayhem and unease of the biggest shopping day in North America and put the breaks on rabid consumerism for 24 hours. Flash mobs, consumer fasts, mall sit-ins, community events, credit card-ups, whirly-marts and jams, jams, jams! We don’t camp on the sidewalk for a reduced price tag on a flat screen TV or psycho-killer video game. Instead, we occupy the very paradigm that is fueling our eco, social and political decline.
Historically, Buy Nothing Day has been about fasting from hyper consumerism – a break from the cash register and reflecting on how dependent we really are on conspicuous consumption. On this 20th anniversary of Buy Nothing Day, we take it to the next level, marrying it with the message of #occupy…
Shenanigans begin November 25!
for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ by http://www.adbusters.org
26 October, 2011
21 October, 2011
16 October, 2011
How to Buy Happiness with Money
1. “Buy experiences instead of things”
According to the authors, research has shown that people derive more pleasure from spending on experiences that they do on objects. The reasons for this are several.
First, we adapt quickly to possessions, and consequently the pleasure of acquisition is short-lived.
Second, studies show that we are most happy when focused on what we are doing at the moment, and experiences provide just that focus. Think, for example, about riding a roller coaster; your mind is locked into the thrill (and perhaps terror).
Third, the memory of the experience allows you to derive additional pleasure. Think back on the greatest joys in your life to date; were they objects or experiences?
In fact, the authors explain that experiences help us define who we are, and wouldn’t you rather define yourself as the person who climbed Everest than the person who owns a riding mower?
2. “Help others instead of yourself”
The authors point out that research has shown that, as social animals, our happiness is closely tied to the amount of our social interactions. Spending on others, whether as gifts or charity, tends to strengthen social ties, and well as enhancing our self-image.
3. “Buy many small pleasures instead of few big ones”
Again, our ability to adapt even to the greatest possessions means that the pleasure we derive from that new Corvette or front-loading washer diminishes quickly. Given this, one might find a great deal more pleasure in buying new outfits frequently that splurging the same amount of money on a one-time purchase of a Mercedes.
Also, pleasure doesn’t necessarily increase in lockstep with the amount spent. While a Mercedes may cost 500 times more than a new pair of Manolo Blahniks, it probably doesn’t provide 500 times the pleasure.
4. “Buy less insurance”
Why do we buy extended warranties and other types of insurance? Because we anticipate that a loss is going to make us quite unhappy. However, according to the authors, humans have a great wellspring of emotional protection; that is, we have the capacity to handle loss much better than we anticipate we will. One way we commonly do this is by transferring blame.
Warranties and generous return policies can actually serve to increase our discontent, the authors state, because if we know we’re stuck with an item we find a way to appreciate it; if we know we can take it back, this appreciation never takes place.
5. “Pay now and consume later”
Anticipation of a purchase is often better than owning the purchase. Most of us have experienced this phenomena when dating, when the promise of the evening was much better than the reality of that evening. The authors put it this way; “anticipation is the Batman to the Robin of reminiscence.”
Buying on credit, buying on impulse, robs us of this delicious anticipation.
There is another effect at work here, too. When we buy on impulse, the authors state, we tend to buy to suit our vices, while when we plan and anticipate a purchase, we tend to buy for our virtues, which are more likely to be more long-term satisfying.
6. “Think about what you’re not thinking about”
When we envision something that will make our lives better, a new house perhaps, we think about the big picture, perhaps the family gathered around the fireplace at Christmas. However, as the authors point out, our happiness is likely to be more determined by the many small things that happen to us day to day; work troubles, car problems, teenager problems, our weight, the weather, our backswing. Money spent to improve those small things could have a greater impact on our happiness.
7. “Beware of comparison shopping”
When you go car shopping, perhaps you’re one of those that compares potential purchases detail by detail, or only buys items at the top of the Consumer Reports ratings. This could be a threat to your happiness. Why?
Because the attributes that will affect your happiness may not be included in those numbers. Perhaps the esthetics of the car mean more to you that its horsepower or number of cup holders. Perhaps Consumer Reports doesn’t rate an Apple MacBook Air as a best buy, but if it’s what you really want, buying something else just won’t bring you as much pleasure.
8. “Follow the herd instead of your head”
Most of us like to feel that we are independent enough to make our own best decisions about what to buy based on our own tastes. Wrong. According to the authors, “Research suggests that the best way to predict how much we will enjoy an experience is to see how much someone else enjoyed it.”
This is a good defense for sites such as Yelp and Amazon, that allow you to use the experience of others as a barometer for how much you might enjoy a restaurant, a nightclub, a movie or a book.
Despite the bromide to the contrary, many of us still believe that money can bring happiness. The authors of this study show that how and what we purchase can have a large impact on our happiness. This blueprint helps show us the way to get the most out of our money.
22 September, 2011
5 Things People Will Pay The Most Money For
Selling information online isn’t as easy as it used to be. Why is that? It is because there is SO much information out there already for free. So, you have a couple of things happening… (1) People figure they’ll just find it for free elsewhere, OR…. (2) They’re so overwhelmed already, they just don’t give a crap about buying any more.
Perhaps this is sounding familiar to you. ;)
So, if you’re in the position of trying to do info marketing online, what do you do? Should you sink weeks of work into that next ebook offer?
The Importance of Understanding Your Prospect Psychology
A successful marketer doesn’t just sell knowledge. They sell what is most valuable to the prospect. The knowledge is a means to an end, but you SELL the end.
Not only that, but you have to realize what they REALLY want. They don’t care about a massive brain dump. When you try to sell that ebook, they don’t care about how big the ebook is and how much is in it. Usually, newbie marketers who go down that road end up on a race to the bottom…. they’ll try to sell on the “get all this for a really low price” approach. Hmmm….
That approach can still work in some markets, but it is working less and less. I’ve used it (even recently) in the tech niche. But, it has limited workability.
So, while it might be a good idea to have some low-end offers out there which you can market in that way, the best way to make a LOT of money is to go for higher-end products with higher price tags. To do that, you need to think about what it is people are willing to pay the most for.
Here are 5 of them…
#1 – Speed + Convenience
People want an outcome of some kind. And they want it NOW. They don’t want to have to spin their wheels for too long. They want the runway to be shortened.
So, how can you provide them an outcome in a fast way and make it convenient? How can you prove that?
#2 – “Done For You”
Things need to get done. They know it. They don’t want to do it themselves.
So, how can you structure an offer with a “done for you” component?
I’ve seen blogger courses offered where part of the deal is they’ll set up the blog for you. That is a nice “done for you” offer, and it removes a common pain-point for bloggers (the technical stuff).
Unless you can automate this stuff with software, the “done for you” easily gets into offering services. Do you want to do that? Perhaps not and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, you can also explore more creative options. For example, in the above blog setup offer, you could hire somebody overseas to do the blog setups (it is pretty repetitive stuff anyway).
#3 – An AWESOME Experience + Status
Around the world, you have some pretty well-off businesspeople paying large sums of money to be added to a waiting list to be a space tourist. They want to be one of the first civilians to go into space once it has been commercialized. Why do they want to do that? Because they can, yes. But also…. because they want the experience and they also want the STATUS of having been a part of it.
People love to be able to participate in something that others cannot. How can you incorporate that into your offers?
It doesn’t even necessarily have to be just for paid things. In IM circles, you see this being done in product launches all the time among affiliates. Ever seen a “JV Leaderboard”? It is the ongoing “top 10″ affiliates for a launch. It is a matter of STATUS to be on that list. And sometimes, the seller will couple together an experience with being in the top 10. For example, as this post goes live, I am in Las Vegas with Ryan Lee because I was one of his top 10 affiliates for one of his recent launches.
#4 – Leading Edge, Trendsetter
To get out ahead of the pack, to get in on something before others are able to. People LOVE to feel as if they’re “on the inside” and getting in on something before it takes off into some huge thing.
People will pay for a competitive advantage.
#5 – Access
This is a biggie. In this world of information overwhelm, it is ironic that what people value most is good ol-fashioned human interaction. You can cut through the noise and get it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.
Why can Obama or another political figure charge multi-thousands per plate for a fundraiser dinner? Because those people want access to the President.
Why do people pay extra for back-stage passes? So they can meet the artist.
You don’t have to be a celebrity to do this, either. How can you provide and offer access to you? Perhaps 1-on-1 phone consultation? Direct email access?
Brainstorm This Stuff
You should take whatever it is you are offering and see what you can do to make the offer much more valuable and charge a higher price for it.
If you’re just offering another ebook, you’re in the crowd with everybody else.
Find out what your target prospect REALLY wants, what their ideal outcome is, and then brainstorm these 5 points to come up with an AWESOME customer experience that will just WOW them. Then, you’ve got a customer for life.
Posted In Marketing by David
03 September, 2011
22 August, 2011
Oil not always a "fossil fuel".
20 August, 2011
10 August, 2011
Nesenās finanšu krīzes pareģis Raubini: pasaules ekonomika ir brīvajā kritienā

«Es baidos, ka pašlaik mēs jau esam brīvajā kritienā – tāpēc, ka iepriekšējos gados, kad vien bija kādas ekonomiskas nedienas, mēs esam izmantojuši jau visus pieejamos līdzekļus to risināšanai,» skaidro N. Raubini, akcentējot, ka pasaules līderu rīcībā nav palicis nekādu instrumentu, lai novērstu recesiju.
«Amerikas ekonomikas pēdējie dati ir bijuši nožēlojami – zems darba vietu skaita pieaugums, vāja ekonomikas izaugsme, zems patēriņš un rūpniecības produkcija. Mājokļu tirgus saglabājas depresīvs. Patērētāju, uzņēmēju un investoru uzticība krīt un turpinās krist,» N. Roubini raksta izdevumā Financial Times.
Attiecībā par notikumu tālāku attīstību N. Raubini ir skeptisks - «Šī gada pirmā puse uzrādīja ekonomikas izaugsmes tempu samazināšanos tikpat kā visās attīstītajās valstīs. Optimisti uzskata, ka tas ir īslaicīgi. Tagad šis maldīgais priekšstats ir sagrauts. Pat pirms aizvadītās nedēļas tirgus panikas, ASV un citas attīstītās valstis tuvojās otram recesijas vilnim.»
Savukārt eirozonas perifērija pašlaik piedzīvo finanšu konvulsijas – saglabājas ļoti augsta iespēja, ka Spānija un Itālija, ļoti iespējams, ka pat abas divas, zaudēs aizņemšanās iespēju. Atšķirībā no Grieķijas, Portugāles un Īrijas – šo valstu ekonomikas ir pārāk lielas, lai būtu glābjamas.
Lai atrisinātu šo situāciju N. Raubini iesaka valstīm veikt īstermiņa fiskālās stimulēšanas pasākumus, nevis nodarboties ar taupīšanas pasākumiem. Taču pēc tam būtu jāievēro finanšu askētisms. Tāpat N. Raubini iesaka turpmākus kvantitatīvās mīkstināšanas pasākumus un aicina Eiropas Centrālo banku (ECB) samazināt procentu likmes līdz pat nullei.
«Otra recesija, iespējams, nav novēršama, taču var novērst otru depresiju. Lai to izdarītu nepieciešams rīkoties pārliecinoši un ātri,» pārliecināts N. Raubini.
Turcijas izcelmes ekonomists N. Raubini ieguva pasaules slavu, kad pareizi paredzēja ASV mājokļu tirgus sabrukumu 2007. gadā. Ekonomists parasti ir izcēlies ar pesimistisku vērtējumu par notiekošo finanšu jomā.
Tā, piemēram, neskatoties uz ekonomikas un fondu tirgu atveseļošanos 2010. gadā, N. Raubini uzsvēra, ka finanšu krīze vēl nav beigusies - «Mēs esam nonākuši tikai nākošajā krīzes līmenī. Tas ir brīdis, kad mēs pārejam no problēmām ar privātajiem parādiem uz problēmām ar valsts parādiem.»
Aizvadītā gada maijā, kad Grieķiju pārņēma pirmā parādu krīze, N. Raubini norādīja, ka ir nepieciešams sākt uztraukties par valstu maksātnespēju. «Tas, kas notiek Grieķijā ir tikai pieaugošā eirozonas, Lielbritānijas, Japānas un ASV parādu parādu aisberga virsotne. Šis arī būs galvenais nākošās pasaules finanšu krīzes galvenais aspekts,» stāstīja N. Raubini.
Jānis Rancāns, 2011. gada 10. augusts
21 March, 2011
Kas jāmaina Latvijā?

Izlasiiju rakstu http://www.financenet.lv/viedokli/370468-latvijai_esot_unikala_iespeja_attistibai_no_nulles
Par to nulli it kā daudz nekas nebija minēts. Bet kopumā mans komentārs par šo rakstu ir vosnotaļ pozitīvs. Galvenais ir tas, ka tēma virza uz to, ka ir kaut kas jāmaina. Tikai vēlos piebilst, ka uz esošās sistēmas bāzes neko jaunu uzcelt nevarēsim.
Steidzami ir jāveic daudzas darbības, kas manuprāt varētu izveidot pamatu turpmākās situācijas uzlabošanai. Pamatos jāvirzās uz sabiedrības izveidi, kas orientēta uz progresu – radīt, izveidot, atklāt/izzināt, attīstīties. Zemķ manas pāris atziņas par to uz kurieni ir jādodas:
1. Pats pamats ir izveidot darba grupu vai grupas no x skaita profesionāļiem, lai reorganizētu valsti un tajā notiekošos procesus. Saucam to par sabiedriski lietderīgo darbu.
2. Valsts un pašvaldību pārvaldes reorganizācija - Nodefinējam valsts pamatdarbību (ar ko valstij ir jānodarbojas) - nodokļu un resursu administrēšana.
Tālāk jau ir vienkārši - sākam sakarīgi visu likt pa plauktiem...gandrīz kā - visus atlaižam un atkal pieņemt darbā pēc būtības - tik cik nepieciešams, lai efektīvi veiktu resursu un nodokļu administrēšanu.
3. Ieviešam tiešās valsts pārstāvniecības principu - atsakamies no deputātiem.
4. Likumi un lēmumi - to atstājam profesionāļiem. Max iespējami visu balstam uz ekonomiskās efektivitātes principiem.
5. Ekonomika – ja padomā, kas cilvēkam ir nepieciešams, tad viss kļūst skaidrs – “barība” ķermenim un “barība” prātam – uz to arī jāfokusē darbs sociālajā vidē – izzināšana (izglītība), tehnoloģijas, veselīga sabiedrība (sports, vide), ekoloģiska lauksaimniecība un ražošana.
6. Finanšu sistēma - apturam jebkurus ārējos maksājumus; samazinam pvn līdz 10%; iekšējā tirgū aizliedzam banku % no izsniegtajiem kredītiem, izveidojam principu - peļņa no investīcijām vai gala produkta; popularizējam un, ja nepieciešams valsts pati veido krājaizdevu sabiedrības.
7. Sociālā sfēra - veidojam principiālu vidi, kurā pilsoņiem ir pieejami produkti un pakalpojumi saskaņā ar vajadzībām.
8. u.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.....te jau ir jāveic smags darbs, lai šo visu ieviestu dzīvē.
Vai jūs tam esat gatavi – noformulēt savu un sabiedrības dzīves jēgu, kā arī mainīt dzīves uztveri?
09 March, 2011
Six must-read life lessons from Pablo Picasso

1. You Must Become
“I do not seek. I find.”
It’s not enough to just seek after what you would become. There has to come a point in your life where you find it, there has to come a point when you finally become all that you desire to be!
It’s one thing to talk about what you’re going to do; it’s one thing to dream lofty dreams. However, it’s something entirely different to commit to achieve it. One of my favorite poems goes, “Great it is, to dream a dream, while you stand at youth, by a starry stream, but a greater thing, is to fight life through, and say at the end, the dream, is true.” You have to fight life through, you have to be determined, you have to decide to “find” what you are destined to become.
2. You Must Have a Plan and You Must Get Into Action
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must reverently believe, and act upon; we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”
If you don’t have a plan, you’re going to fail, and you can quote me! A goal can only be reached if it’s backed up by a great plan, and yet even a great plan is not enough. You must put forth massive action on your great plan if you’re ever going to change your life.
3. Know That Inspiration Will Come
“Inspiration exists but it has to find us working.”
Don’t wait for inspiration, get in motion and let inspiration find you in action. Inspiration likes to keep company with those who work hard.
When you work in an area that you’re passionate about, when you give it your all, the inspiration you need will show up.
4. Remember That Your Work Should Give You Pleasure
“Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate that you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.”
Your work should bring happiness into your life, if it doesn’t then find new work. Life is too short to spend half of it miserable. Discover your passion, and find work that allows you to express that passion. When you do, not only will your work bring you happiness, it will bring happiness to others.
5. Do It Now
“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”
Tomorrow never comes, if you’re not working right now on your future goals, then you don’t have a future, just a longer today. If it’s critical do it now, postpone the frivolous, and decide become all that you are capable of becoming.
6. You Have to See It to Have It
“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.”
Picasso saw what might be in his mind, what do you see in your mind? If you can see it, if you can really see it and believe it, you can attain it. But if you can’t see it, you will never have it. What do you see? Do you see yourself succeeding, do you see a brighter tomorrow, do you see all your dreams coming true? If you can see these things, then they will be yours.
21 February, 2011
The Glass Ceiling

There exists a glass ceiling for everyone, and for everything.
The reason it’s called a “glass ceiling” is because the ceiling is unseen, but it’s certainly there; and it’s more impermeable than a ceiling constructed with the strongest of metals. It is an impenetrable ceiling that allows no one to pass, no one.
Unless the ceiling is removed, there is no way to get by it.
Today in this brief article I want to discuss how you go about removing that glass ceiling, the ceiling that keeps you bound to mediocrity.
The First Step
The first step in getting rid of the glass ceiling is to acknowledge that it exists. You must first take notice of the glass ceiling, before you can proceed in removing it.
You can’t make progress until you first locate where you are currently. And currently you’re stuck behind a glass ceiling. A ceiling that is telling you that you’re not going any further, a ceiling that is telling you that success will never be yours, a ceiling that is telling you that you won’t reach your goals; it’s a glass ceiling, which must come down!
And because it’s impossible to go beyond this glass ceiling …you have to remove it.
I sent out a “tweet” the other day that said, “The only limits that exist are the ones that you fail to remove,” and it’s true. The only way to get through your glass ceiling is to take it down.
Removing the Glass Ceiling
Although the ceiling is solid, and although the ceiling won’t let you pass through it, this ceiling only exists in your imagination. It’s the strongest ceiling ever constructed, and yet it exists solely in your mind.
…and because it exists only in YOUR mind, you have the ability to take it down.
So, “How do you take it down?”
The only way to take down the glass ceiling, the only way to remove it, the only way to make progress, is to change your mind. You have to reprogram your mind through repetition! You have to think bigger than you’re currently thinking. If you don’t, the glass ceiling will remain, and you will remain exactly where you are right now.
You have to find a way to expand your thinking, to expand your mind, if you don’t expand your mind, if you don’t expand your thinking, you will NEVER pass the glass ceiling.
How Do You Expand Your Mind
You expand your mind by constantly associating with people who think differently, by visualizing, by meditating. And the best and easiest way to change your thinking is to listen to audiobooks, constantly. It’s what I do…it’s convenient, it’s simple, and it works.
…When you do this, you will change. It won’t be immediate, but it will happen just as sure as the sun rises in the east and lays its head to rest in the west. This you must do in order to change.
In Closing
Are you going to change? Are you going to breakthrough the glass ceiling? Are you going to think bigger? You can have the life of your dreams, you can drive the car of your dreams, you can travel the world with the spouse and body of your dreams…and you will, when you begin to think “bigger;” when you re-program your mind, when you adopt new thoughts!
10 February, 2011
Zeitgeist III Moving Forward

13 January, 2011
Познай себя и наполни себя энергией.
Первый шаг - поймай паузу между мыслями.
Найди тихое место, где вам никто не мешает. Сядьте, закройте глаза и начать спокойно наблюдать ваши мысли. Представьте себе их в качестве свидетелей. Не следовать за ними, так же, пусть придут, иди, равны нулю. Если у вас есть некоторое время, чтобы сделать так, задайте себе вопрос: "Почему я думаю прямо сейчас?". Или: "Где мое сознание?". Или "Где они нашли мой следующий мысли?". Что происходит? Ваш ум, дожидаясь следующего идея онемели, как кошка, которая смотрит прямо в пещере, используется для отслеживания движения и формы. Но мыши не появляется. Тогда, следующего мышления вид. Почувствуйте перерыва, пустым момент между вопросом и следующая мысль, просто прикасаясь к нему является абсолютным сознанием.
Сначала, этот момент является очень короткий, может быть, пару секунд. но если вы будете повторять это упражнение часто, смогут продлить. Повторите это несколько раз в день в течение одной минуты, каждые 15 секунд задавать вопросы на ум. Они могут варьироваться: "Какого цвета моя следующая мысль?" Или "Какой будет запах моих мыслей?". Старательно практикующих заметить, что появляется в больше энергии и почувствовать себя в прекрасной легкости и мира. Эти чувства будут еще более поразительный источник опыта.
Get to know yourself and filled with energy.

The first step - Capture the break between thoughts.
Find a quiet place where you interfere with nobody. Sit down, close your eyes and start to quietly observe your thoughts. Imagine them as bystanders. Do not follow them, just let them come, go, vanish. When you have some time to have done so, ask yourself the question: "Why do I think right now?". Or "Where is my consciousness?". Or "Where did they find my next thought?". What's going on? Your mind, waiting for next idea is numb as a cat who is watching right cave-in is used to track the movement and shape. But the mouse does not appear. Then, the next-thinking look. Feel the break, a blank for a moment between the question and the next thought, just touching it is the absolute consciousness.
At first, this moment is very short, maybe a couple of seconds. but if you will repeat this exercise often, will be able to extend. Repeat it several times a day for one minute, every 15 seconds asking questions to mind. They can vary: "What color is my next thought?" Or "What will be the smell of my thoughts?". Diligently practicing notice that appears in more energy and feel yourself into the wonderful lightness and peace. These feelings will be even more striking experience source.
Step Two - ONLY WATCH!
This technique is a cornerstone of quantum healing, as taught to focus only on the instant-watching - and are already exposed to the healing.
You will need 10-20 minutes of peace. Turned a blind eye and from 10 - 20 seconds, allowing your thoughts to wander freely. Then imagine a series of positive words - no matter whether you read or hear in the imagination. For example: peace, calm, joy, warmth, enjoy. sun, love, caresses, light, compassion, eternity ... When these words gone or aired, they choose the one that struck you the most, and you start to watch. This name will change in some way - perhaps becoming louder, bigger or brighter, will start cycling or dilate. Just watch. Nothing, if interrupted thoughts or ambient noise - go back to it. If the word lost, continue to watch the place where he just had - and it will reappear. Or instead of - another. Also, nothing: accept and keep watch.
This technique is able to gently, but deeply alter our perception of the world. Initially, the effect probably happens slowly, but if you practice to a couple of weeks, you will receive compliments for your bright eyes shine and high spirit.
We understand that pure consciousness we have already given - as a coat, which do not think, but who warms us. It is right here, only you need to know.
You will need at least 20 minutes of peace. Comfortable sitting chair. Inactivity, but not touching.
- Close your eyes and about 30 seconds, concentrating on the right hand.
- Then about 15 seconds, concentrating on the left hand.
- 10 seconds, concentrating on both hands at once.
- 2-3 seconds (so much for nothing further to each body part) directs all attention to the de; either the joints, then - on the forearms, elbows, upper arms, shoulders, both arms from finger tips to shoulders.
- now continue their journey through your body down in the following order: upper back - middle - lower part - the whole back. Then the sides - from the armpits to the hips - thorax - abdomen - pelvis - thighs ... and toes and feet.
- Then focus on the entire body as a whole up to the shoulders.
- Then - on his head: Withers - jaw - chin - right ear - left ear - lip - upper lip - right nostril - the left nostril - nose - right eyelid - the left eyelid - right eye - left eye - right eyebrow - left eyebrow - a point between eyebrows - forehead - back of the head - top of the head - the entire head.
- 10 seconds - to an imaginary oval, covering your body about 25 cm away.
- 5-6 seconds imagine that pure consciousness fills your body. You are pure consciousness.
- Now it slowly fills the room with you, houses, cities ... and will eventually cover the entire globe. It expands into space throughout the galaxy ... ... millions of galaxies ...
- Imagine that everything created by focusing oval, consciousness expansion, gradually shrinking until the glittering dots - and then vanish.
- Return to the room where you are.
- Return to your body. Flick the fingers and toes. Stay 2-3 minutes sitting quietly with closed eyes.
- Open your eyes. You clearly feel that your consciousness still fill the room around you and all your body. Feel a deep peace and ease.
The peace and lightness are eufeeling - special euphoric feeling that accompany pure consciousness experience. Such feelings as fear, excitement, rage, sadness arises from the thoughts, feelings, external circumstances and situations and is always associated with our ego. But eu-sense is a source of pure consciousness, and it exists independently of external circumstances. If our sense of comparison with the filament, then there is power in pure consciousness, but eufeeling - the light it brings.
This simple exercise will take 5 to 10 minutes. Take it before the healing session.
Sit down on a chair and relax. Hands free to tilt on the thighs, fingers quite easily pivoted opportunities open fists.
About a minute focused solely on his right hand feel. What do you feel? Gravity, heat, tingling?
Then the leakage energy of the left foot and feeling. It feels different than the right arm? Some times the inhale and exhale. Let your breath become more peaceful and deeper. Well try to simultaneously read both his right arm and left leg sensations. Repeat five times: "The arms and legs feel exactly the same." Feel the sensation in both parts of your body really is diminishing.
Suppose that someone your friend or family member hurt knee. You are not important in the diagnosis (it remains to specialist terms), only goal - to dispel the pain. To prepare for the session yourself, you do not have to do - or rather, have to do anything. Namely, the lead themselves in a position which you do nothing and do not think, but focused exclusively on the screening process. It is quite simple, requires only 2-3 minutes and should be easy playing.
- First, define the objective - the present, accurately and positively. Remember: you are not fighting with pain, your consciousness to the net easily and simply ordering the health and good feelings, like the cafe espresso, "the pain-free, flexible knee!"
- Ask your remediable comfortable - no matter, standing, sitting or lying. Put one hand in the place they suffer from - tense muscles. Easy to press the then release it without taking your finger.
- Put the other hand in to any other muscle, not tight.
- First, focus all your attention to the narrow beam to the first finger What do you feel? Heat? Ripple? Then focused on another finger. How does it feel? And then - the two fingers together.
- After a short time will feel itself into the peace and quiet - it is pure consciousness caused by eu feeling.
- Well, your mind is a three-points: body points below the index finger and the two eufeeling inside you. Imagine they are related to a single triangle and focused on it.
- If you feel the muscles relax sāpošajā site or its remediable spontaneously breathe deeply, it is a sure sign that the momentum was received.
- Just a moment focus on the second and third points then release your fingers. That's it. Physical healing is entered.
“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein