
13 January, 2011

Познай себя и наполни себя энергией.

Quantum - квант. Это самая маленькая возможная энергитическя "часть". Атом является ядром, вокруг которого электроны в орбите. Ядро состоит из нейтронов и протонов, которые состоят из кварков, но они - из прекварков. Но между ними? Пустота? Это пустота пространства квантовой энергии. Квантовая енергия пронизывает и связывает один всеобъемлющий энергию в ткани любого живого и неживого существа во Вселенной. Кроме того, наши мысли и эмоции являются квантовой энергией.

Первый шаг - поймай паузу между мыслями.
Найди тихое место, где вам никто не мешает. Сядьте, закройте глаза и начать спокойно наблюдать ваши мысли. Представьте себе их в качестве свидетелей. Не следовать за ними, так же, пусть придут, иди, равны нулю. Если у вас есть некоторое время, чтобы сделать так, задайте себе вопрос: "Почему я думаю прямо сейчас?". Или: "Где мое сознание?". Или "Где они нашли мой следующий мысли?". Что происходит? Ваш ум, дожидаясь следующего идея онемели, как кошка, которая смотрит прямо в пещере, используется для отслеживания движения и формы. Но мыши не появляется. Тогда, следующего мышления вид. Почувствуйте перерыва, пустым момент между вопросом и следующая мысль, просто прикасаясь к нему является абсолютным сознанием.
Сначала, этот момент является очень короткий, может быть, пару секунд. но если вы будете повторять это упражнение часто, смогут продлить. Повторите это несколько раз в день в течение одной минуты, каждые 15 секунд задавать вопросы на ум. Они могут варьироваться: "Какого цвета моя следующая мысль?" Или "Какой будет запах моих мыслей?". Старательно практикующих заметить, что появляется в больше энергии и почувствовать себя в прекрасной легкости и мира. Эти чувства будут еще более поразительный источник опыта.

Get to know yourself and filled with energy.

Quantum - quantum. It is the lowest possible energy "portion". Atom is a nucleus around which electrons orbit. The nucleus consists of neutrons and protons, which consist of quarks, but they - the prequarks But in between? Emptiness? This emptiness is the quantum energy space. Quantum permeates and binds one comprehensive energy into the fabric of any live and dead creature in the universe. Also, our thoughts and emotions is the quantum energy.

The first step - Capture the break between thoughts.
Find a quiet place where you interfere with nobody. Sit down, close your eyes and start to quietly observe your thoughts. Imagine them as bystanders. Do not follow them, just let them come, go, vanish. When you have some time to have done so, ask yourself the question: "Why do I think right now?". Or "Where is my consciousness?". Or "Where did they find my next thought?". What's going on? Your mind, waiting for next idea is numb as a cat who is watching right cave-in is used to track the movement and shape. But the mouse does not appear. Then, the next-thinking look. Feel the break, a blank for a moment between the question and the next thought, just touching it is the absolute consciousness.
At first, this moment is very short, maybe a couple of seconds. but if you will repeat this exercise often, will be able to extend. Repeat it several times a day for one minute, every 15 seconds asking questions to mind. They can vary: "What color is my next thought?" Or "What will be the smell of my thoughts?". Diligently practicing notice that appears in more energy and feel yourself into the wonderful lightness and peace. These feelings will be even more striking experience source.

Step Two - ONLY WATCH!
This technique is a cornerstone of quantum healing, as taught to focus only on the instant-watching - and are already exposed to the healing.
You will need 10-20 minutes of peace. Turned a blind eye and from 10 - 20 seconds, allowing your thoughts to wander freely. Then imagine a series of positive words - no matter whether you read or hear in the imagination. For example: peace, calm, joy, warmth, enjoy. sun, love, caresses, light, compassion, eternity ... When these words gone or aired, they choose the one that struck you the most, and you start to watch. This name will change in some way - perhaps becoming louder, bigger or brighter, will start cycling or dilate. Just watch. Nothing, if interrupted thoughts or ambient noise - go back to it. If the word lost, continue to watch the place where he just had - and it will reappear. Or instead of - another. Also, nothing: accept and keep watch.
This technique is able to gently, but deeply alter our perception of the world. Initially, the effect probably happens slowly, but if you practice to a couple of weeks, you will receive compliments for your bright eyes shine and high spirit.

We understand that pure consciousness we have already given - as a coat, which do not think, but who warms us. It is right here, only you need to know.
You will need at least 20 minutes of peace. Comfortable sitting chair. Inactivity, but not touching.
- Close your eyes and about 30 seconds, concentrating on the right hand.
- Then about 15 seconds, concentrating on the left hand.
- 10 seconds, concentrating on both hands at once.
- 2-3 seconds (so much for nothing further to each body part) directs all attention to the de; either the joints, then - on the forearms, elbows, upper arms, shoulders, both arms from finger tips to shoulders.
- now continue their journey through your body down in the following order: upper back - middle - lower part - the whole back. Then the sides - from the armpits to the hips - thorax - abdomen - pelvis - thighs ... and toes and feet.
- Then focus on the entire body as a whole up to the shoulders.
- Then - on his head: Withers - jaw - chin - right ear - left ear - lip - upper lip - right nostril - the left nostril - nose - right eyelid - the left eyelid - right eye - left eye - right eyebrow - left eyebrow - a point between eyebrows - forehead - back of the head - top of the head - the entire head.
- 10 seconds - to an imaginary oval, covering your body about 25 cm away.
- 5-6 seconds imagine that pure consciousness fills your body. You are pure consciousness.
- Now it slowly fills the room with you, houses, cities ... and will eventually cover the entire globe. It expands into space throughout the galaxy ... ... millions of galaxies ...
- Imagine that everything created by focusing oval, consciousness expansion, gradually shrinking until the glittering dots - and then vanish.
- Return to the room where you are.
- Return to your body. Flick the fingers and toes. Stay 2-3 minutes sitting quietly with closed eyes.
- Open your eyes. You clearly feel that your consciousness still fill the room around you and all your body. Feel a deep peace and ease.
The peace and lightness are eufeeling - special euphoric feeling that accompany pure consciousness experience. Such feelings as fear, excitement, rage, sadness arises from the thoughts, feelings, external circumstances and situations and is always associated with our ego. But eu-sense is a source of pure consciousness, and it exists independently of external circumstances. If our sense of comparison with the filament, then there is power in pure consciousness, but eufeeling - the light it brings.

This simple exercise will take 5 to 10 minutes. Take it before the healing session.
Sit down on a chair and relax. Hands free to tilt on the thighs, fingers quite easily pivoted opportunities open fists.
About a minute focused solely on his right hand feel. What do you feel? Gravity, heat, tingling?
Then the leakage energy of the left foot and feeling. It feels different than the right arm? Some times the inhale and exhale. Let your breath become more peaceful and deeper. Well try to simultaneously read both his right arm and left leg sensations. Repeat five times: "The arms and legs feel exactly the same." Feel the sensation in both parts of your body really is diminishing.

Suppose that someone your friend or family member hurt knee. You are not important in the diagnosis (it remains to specialist terms), only goal - to dispel the pain. To prepare for the session yourself, you do not have to do - or rather, have to do anything. Namely, the lead themselves in a position which you do nothing and do not think, but focused exclusively on the screening process. It is quite simple, requires only 2-3 minutes and should be easy playing.
- First, define the objective - the present, accurately and positively. Remember: you are not fighting with pain, your consciousness to the net easily and simply ordering the health and good feelings, like the cafe espresso, "the pain-free, flexible knee!"

- Ask your remediable comfortable - no matter, standing, sitting or lying. Put one hand in the place they suffer from - tense muscles. Easy to press the then release it without taking your finger.
- Put the other hand in to any other muscle, not tight.
- First, focus all your attention to the narrow beam to the first finger What do you feel? Heat? Ripple? Then focused on another finger. How does it feel? And then - the two fingers together.
- After a short time will feel itself into the peace and quiet - it is pure consciousness caused by eu feeling.
- Well, your mind is a three-points: body points below the index finger and the two eufeeling inside you. Imagine they are related to a single triangle and focused on it.

- If you feel the muscles relax sāpošajā site or its remediable spontaneously breathe deeply, it is a sure sign that the momentum was received.
- Just a moment focus on the second and third points then release your fingers. That's it. Physical healing is entered.

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein