
30 November, 2012

Mayan Elder Reveals Truth of 2012 Mayan Calendar

28 November, 2012

Chevrolet Spark EV to be priced under $25,000 with tax incentives

Chevrolet recently announced a slew of details about its upcoming electric Spark EV, breaking down specifics of the engine and giving us a general idea of what to expect from the car. A couple of details were left out, however, most notably the price. Well, the company has now announced that, after tax breaks, the Spark EV will cost under US$25,000.
The Spark EV's electric drive system delivers 130 hp (110 kW) and 400 lb.-ft. (542 Nm) of torque but Chevrolet is still yet to reveal how far one full battery charge will carry you, saying only that the EV will have a "range among (the) best in EV segment." We'll have to wait and see what that actually means in terms of real numbers.

Chevrolet has also unveiled a little more information about the interior of the car. The Spark EV will have two seven-inch LCDs that display infotainment and key vehicle information including the expected range based on driving habits and other conditions. The company's MyLink smartphone integration system comes standard and Siri is also built-in (but you need to own an iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 to use it).

While no exact list price has been given for the Spark, GM says the new EV will be "priced under $25,000 with tax incentives." Electric car purchasers in the US receive a $7500 tax credit, so this would put the Spark's MSRP at around $32,500.

The initial markets for the Spark EV will be California, Oregon, Canada and South Korea.

Source: GM

Golden Dawn - Greece

As Greece reels from more economic pain, this report reveals claims that the far-right Golden Dawn party have heavily infiltrated the police. It's a stark warning of where the country could be headed. "Blood! Honour! Golden Dawn!" Dressed all in black and in protective gear, members of Golden Dawn look more like soldiers than protesters. As Greek civil society has been crumbling under economic pressures, their savage attacks on the immigrants they blame for the economic crisis have become more frequent and violent. "They kicked my face. I had to have metal plates implanted," an Egyptian fisherman tells us. Even more shocking though are the links that have been drawn between them and the state. For the first time in this report a senior police officer has spoken on camera to claim that successive governments in Greece allowed the ultra-nationalist party to infiltrate the police force. "The state apparatus have known Golden Dawn's every move for years now... the state made room for the terrorists. It did that deliberately to use them for its own purposes," he insists. A frightening snapshot of a country in crisis.

27 November, 2012

European Parliament votes to protect WikiLeaks

European Parliament votes to protect WikiLeaks. In a landmark decision today the European Parliament initiated the drafting of legislation that would stop the arbitrary banking blockades against WikiLeaks and other organizations facing economic censorship. This is an important signal from the European lawmakers. It is a recognition of the seriousness of the precedents set in December 2010, still in force, when Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Western Union and Bank of America launched a unilateral, extrajudicial banking blockade against donations to WikiLeaks. The blockade has cost the organization more than US$50 million. The US Treasury formally found last year that there is no lawful reason why WikiLeaks should be placed on the US embargo list, but the highly political blockade continues. WikiLeaks welcomes the support of MEPs on this important issue and agrees with the European Parliament, which "considers it likely that there will be a growing number of European companies whose activities are effectively dependent on being able to accept payments by card; [and] considers it to be in the public interest to define objective rules describing the circumstances and procedures under which card payment schemes may unilaterally refuse acceptance."
This underlines the claim by WikiLeaks that if the financial blockade against WikiLeaks is not stopped, US financial giants will be free to unilaterally decide which European companies and organizations live or die. As WikiLeaks has previously pointed out, this is an attack on fundamental rights that cannot be left unchallenged. The organization has already launched lawsuits in two European jurisdictions and is awaiting the final outcome in its complaint to the European Commission against the major credit card companies for violations of competition laws. The Commission’s decision is expected before the end of the year. WikiLeaks has been victorious in all court hearings about this issue to date.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said: "I welcome this response from EU lawmakers. European independence is important. But there is no sovereignty without economic sovereignty. Politicized US financial monopolies must not be able to censor European organizations with impunity."

Assange's Legal Limbo - Sweden

Julian Assange's prolonged presence in the Ecuadorian embassy in London is creating headaches for the UK and Ecuador. With five countries drawn into the debate over his future, what options does he now have? "It's a great shame that this case has caused such controversy globally. It's done Sweden a lot of damage", says Jennifer Robinson, one of Assange's key legal advisers. The nation's self-image as a bastion of human rights and fair play has taken a beating as Assange's supporters and lawyers accuse it of having a darker agenda. She's also critical of what she describes as the lack of action by the Australian Government. Despite this, Bobb Carr, the Minister for Foreign Affairs claims that, "no Australian has received more consular support in a comparable period than Mr Assange". Despite managing to stay one step ahead of his pursuers so far, popular support for Assange seems to be shifting away and his options look increasingly limited. "I don't think anyone will come out of this well", his lawyer sighs. For downloads and more information visit:

22 November, 2012

Understanding your drunken stupor, from the brain's perspective. Find out how alcohol molecules alter your brain, ultimately resulting in a night that you...hopefully remember. Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).

20 November, 2012

Knowledge Expands Without Distance

15-Year-Old Kelvin Doe is an engineering whiz living in Sierra Leone who scours the trash bins for spare parts, which he uses to build batteries, generators and transmitters. Completely self-taught, Kelvin has created his own radio station where he broadcasts news and plays music under the moniker, DJ Focus. Kelvin became the youngest person in history to be invited to the "Visiting Practitioner's Program" at MIT. THNKR had exclusive access to Kelvin and his life-changing journey - experiencing the US for the first time, exploring incredible opportunities, contending with homesickness, and mapping out his future. Here is a link to the Bobby Fala track in the video on SoundCloud: Check-out David's Crowdrise page: Photos courtesy of Adam Cohn ( and Paula Aguilera PRODIGIES is a bi-weekly series showcasing the youngest and brightest as they challenge themselves to reach new heights and the stories behind them. Created and produced by, THNKR gives you extraordinary access to the people, stories, places and thinking that will change your mind. Follow THNKR on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Check out our Pinterest: SUBSCRIBE!

16 November, 2012


A guy is traveling in a late night Mumbai local train. The bogie is empty except for a few sleepy passengers . A man with a briefcase boards the train at a station and decides to sit directly in front of him... AWARDS: Awards of Excellence ASIFA India IAD'10 24fps Awards by MAAC India 2010 Pune International Film Festival 2011 Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2011 CGTantra Community Awards 2011 Jaipur International Animation Film Festival 2011 OFFICIALLY SELECTED: TASI Viewer's Choice Awards at ANIFEST India 2010. TBS Digicon6 Awards (Japan) Animayo 2011 (Spain) Bitfilm Festival 2011 (Hamburg, Bangalore) Athens International Animation Festival 2012 (Greece) MONSTRA - Lisbon Animated Film Festival 2012

09 November, 2012

Earth From Space

SRI EV1 Electric Off Road Racer - First Electric Baja Race Car

Trial testing footage of the SRI (Strategic Recovery Institute) EV1 Race Car. The all electric Off road racer was built by SRD - Strategic Racing Designs in Vista, CA, with an all electric drivetrain built by EV West. The car has swappable, and rechargeable Lithium Ion battery packs for quick pit stops and on the fly chase truck charging. With instant torque and quick punch of 400 kW of power, this car has smooth, linear power delivery that makes you think it's a full size RC car.

Šis un tas par Nodokļiem...

Vai cilvēka dzīves mērķis ir maksāt nodokļus? Vai valsts neesam mēs paši? Vai tā nav mūsu pašu izvēle - maksāt vai nemaksāt? Vai nebūtu jārēķinās ar šādu sabiedrības viedokli veidojot attiecības ar sabiedrību?

Droši vien ir vēl daudzi jautājumi, kurus uzdodot, tā īsti viennozīmīgi atbildēt nevarēsim. Bet laiks iet uz priekšu un tas prasa atbildēt uz šiem jautājumiem. 

Šodien, lasot periodiskos izdevumus, valsts veido kaut ko līdzīgu nodokļu maratonam, kur nepārtraukti tur sabiedrību zināmā spriedzē un informē par savu veiksmīgi realizēto nodokļu iekasēšanas un administrēšanas politiku. Tikko izlasīju, ka nodokļi atkal ir iekasēti par vairāk kā 110% no plānotā apjoma. Šī informācija manī izraisa divējādas emocijas - varbūt tiešām viss iet uz augšu un viss ir kārtībā, bet no otras puses man jāsmejas, jo apkārtējā atmosfēra nabūt neliecina par apmierinātiem pilsoņiem, kuri dāsni iemaksā naudiņu valsts kasē. Un vai tikai šie skaitļi, ar ko operē plašzaziņas līdzekļi, nav stipri virtuāli, jo zinu daudzus uzņēmumus, kuriem kontos ir milzīgas summas, tikai tās ir ar mīnus zīmi.

Uzrakstīt par pārdomas par nodokļiem mani mudināja raksts, kurā kāds sabiedrība zināma persona mudināja pielāgot vēl lielākus sodusun vēl lielākas represijas, tiem, kuri nemaksā nodokļus. Tas man atsauca atmiņā iepriekš lasīto par to, kas tad īsti ir nodokļi un vai mums tiem būtu nepieciešams upurēties.

Vena no paskām par to kā nodokļi radās......Kādreiz senos laikos, kā arī raksta vēsures grāmatās, cilvēku suga bija divās sadalijusies divās nometnēs - klejotāji un tie, kuri bija izveidojuši apmetnes. Apmetnes pārvērtās ciemos, ciemi - apdzīvotās vietās, apdzīvotās vietas - pilsētās. Savukārt klejotāji klejoja no vienas vietas uz otru nopostot un aplaupot. Laikam ejot, radās situācija, ka klejotājiem/aupītājiem nebija, ko laupīt, jo nāca citi laupītāji, kuri neļāva atkopties ciematu un pilsētu iedzīvotājiem. Tad nāca periods, kas laupītāji nobāzējās pilsētā, tā solot aizsargāt tās iedzīvotājis, bet pretī prasot maksāt nodokļus. Šo sabiedrības modeli varētu saukt par  vienu no pirmajiem valsts struktūras izveides un nodokļu maksāšanas pirmsākumiem. 

Vai šī formula kaut ko neatgādina, ja to salīdzinam ar mūsdienām? Nemaksāsi nodokļus - tiksi cietumā. Tā patreiz tiek popularizēta nodokļu maksāšanas politika. Bet pēc būtības būtu jābūt otrādāk - nodokļi, ja tādi vispār jāmaksā - būtu jāmaksā labprātīgi un apjomos, kādus pats uzskati par  pieņemamiem?

Uzskatu, ka nodokļi ir tikai aizbrga augšējā daļa. Pati aizberga lielākā daļa sastāv no daudz nopietnākiem jautājumiem, kuri jārisina pirmām kārtām: 
- Kas ir valsts un kas ir valdība? Vai valsts un valdība sabiedrībai ir nepieciešama? Kas jāmaina valdības struktūrā vai organizācijā, lai visi sabiedrības locekļi būtu apmierināti?
- Ja valdība nepieciešama, tad kādas funkcijas tai jāveic - kontrolēt? dalīt un pārdalīt? organizēt? ko organizēt? 
- Kas ir nauda? vai tā ir vispār ir nepieciešama? Vai varat iedomāties kādas iespējas mums pavērtos, ja nebūtu naudas?
- Un pats galvanais - kas ir sabiedrības, un tās sastāvdaļas - personas, mērķis? Dzīvot? Mācīties? Izzināt? Radīt?

Tā es te kaut ko sagrābstīju nedaudz par šo, nedaudz par to. Bet tomēr galvenais jautājums ir - UZ KURIENI EJAM UN KO GRIBAM? Lai katrs uz šo jautājumu atbild pats.

Lai Jums Veicas!

08 November, 2012

Solar System Shift

Our World is Changing: Electromagnetic Event: STARWATER:

02 November, 2012

Transition to a resource - based economy pitch - Oskar Gonzalez

Here I propose a different conceptual approach to the idea of transitioning into a resource-based economy. The first part addresses what arriving at solutions means, then my application of those concepts to deliver solutions that I have arrived at: how to transition into a RBE.

01 November, 2012

Imagining a World Without Money

Born on March 13, 1916, Jacque Fresco started his professional career as design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company. He served in the Army Design and Development Unit at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, U.S. and worked for the Raymond De-Icer Corporation based in Los Angeles, California, U.S., as a research engineer.[5][4] He worked for many companies and in many fields such as technical consultant and technical advisor to the motion picture industry, industrial design instructor at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. In Los Angeles, he was colleague and work associate of psychologist Donald Powell Wilson.[5][4] In 1942, Fresco started the Revell Plastics Company (now Revell-Monogram) with Lou Glaser, working variously in aerospace research and development, architecture, efficient automobile design, bare-eye 3D cinematic projection methods and medical equipment design where he developed a three dimensional X-ray unit amongst other things. he Venus Project was started around 1975[2] by Fresco[1][6] and by former portrait artist, Roxanne Meadows[2] in Venus, Florida, USA. Its research center is a 21-acre (85,000 m2) property with various domed buildings of his design, where they work on books and films to demonstrate their concepts and ideas. Fresco has produced an extensive range of scale models based on his designs. [4] The Venus Project was incorporated in 1995.[7][8] Venus project was founded on the idea that poverty is caused by the stifling of progress in technology, which itself is caused by the present world's profit-driven economic system.[9] The progression of technology, if it were carried on independent of its profitability, Fresco theorizes, would make more resources available to more people thereby reducing corruption and greed, and instead make people more likely to help each other.[10][6][11] Fresco advocates against a money-based economy in favor of what he refers to as a resource-based economy.[12] In a 2008 interview with Fresco and Meadows, Fresco stated that a 'lack of credentials' has made it difficult for him to gain influence in academic circles.[2] He adds that when universities do invite him to speak, they often don't give him enough time to explain his views.