
22 August, 2012

Radiance (Radiant Energy)

"Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels."
-- Nikola Tesla

"In that very moment, when free energy will be given away to Humanity, it will not only be meant to use as an absolutely free, environment friendly, perpetual workin energy to use in each and every industry, transportation, or private homes, but much more chains of Humanity will be broken FOREVER. A New Era of Freedom, Friendship, Understanding and Love will rule, opening a New Golden Age for people of the Earth and beyond..."
                                                                                                 --Nikola Tesla

"Free energy will promulgate a forward leap in human progress akin to the discovery of fire. It will bring the dawn of an entirely new civilization -- one based on freedom and abundance."
-- Sterling D. Allan (Feb. 2003)

"Our universe is a sea of energy - free, clean energy. It is all out there waiting for us to set sail upon it."
-- Robert Adams

Radiance has always been present in every single part of our Universe...she has contributed to formations of plane...ts and galaxies for Millenniums keeping our cosmos in an eternal balance...
She lives inside of every living every cell inside our our vast Eco our oceans and skies...She has kept the rocks atomic formations movements in a consistent rhythm, as they has 'denied' the existence of a motion perpetual machine, however it has existed for thousands of the Infinite energy..
How could we ever deny or hide her existence?..if thanks to Her we are all alive, breathing, pulsating,..Our Sun's electromagnetic heart, pumps at her oscillation rates...synchronized with our cardio rhythms...
One night,in the dawn of the 20th Century, beams of her rays were directed to an specific point of Earth, and illuminated the nights of a scientist called Nikola... fascinated him with such beauty and brightness, so many warm vibrations, such a lovely dance...yet so fragile, so naive...He wanted to show her to the entire world, proud of his discovery...but the greed and ambitious powers of darkness, frustrated his humanitarian desires, condemning her to an indefinite punishment in the complete isolation of a cold Federal high security prison...Not a word was to be said about her existence, punishable even with death sentence.

Science has contributed to enforce the denial of her existence for over a Century now...
Why so much obsession to hide such a beautiful creature of our Universe?
Just because She is free and limitless, has no borders, no frontiers...can not be bought out with any "Legal Tender Notes"...and no specific "Social Classes" to satisfy, but everyone without distinction in our to dance and illuminate endlessly with her light and glow like a shining star just descended to Earth...always wrapped around in a silky and transparent dress, garnished with star dust and the brightest rays from the infinite deep space...
But Her mass-less body has the ability to trespass solid concrete walls...steel doors, immerse in the deepest ocean waters or fly through our blue skies...

She has visited many lucky inventors and scientists labs through our history...and all of them have tried to broadcast her to the world, but their attempts were also frustrated, some were assassinated while some lucky ones were just silenced through fear...and pre conceived Secrecy Act Laws...after Governments showed "Interests" to get her back to prison...
But now, this year 2012 she has come back again...and this time we would not allow anyone to take her away ever again!!...she will stay with all of Us for ever, and the dawn of a Golden Era will start for all humanity.


19 August, 2012

Spirit Science 1 - Thoughts (Revised)

Thoughts, Emotions, and the power that they bestow upon you. Or rather, how you can empower yourself to live in the moment by controlling your thoughts and emotions, and guiding yourself the way that you want to be guided, rather than allowing modern society to tell you how to feel and what to think. Just as you create your own reality, we are also co-creating our realities together. We are a collective! As a community, a city, a country, and a species, we decide where we want to go and how we want to flow. It is up to us to decide what happens next in the epic tale that is the human race, but change has to start from an individual level.

06 August, 2012

The future is open source

The open source concept started on the internet with computer software such as linux, php, firefox... Communities of programmers have formed and delivered for free an amazing range of products that have most of the time surpassed in quality their corporate equivalent. This is the living example of how a paradist society could function without the money as the source of motivation to create the products that fulfil our needs. The open source community is motivated by the sheer desire to contribute positively to society. The spirit of making our creations available for free to everyone is the spirit that will drive paradism. The open source movement is now spreading to the hardware. The technology, the design and the instructions for building products are made open source, available for free without any copyright and royalties. This is allowing anyone on earth wherever they may be to enjoy other people's creations in a "build it yourself" way. The open source movement announces the end of the for profit corporation model as it is expanding to all products and innovations. Paradism is open source everything.