
21 March, 2011

Kas jāmaina Latvijā?

Izlasiiju rakstu

Par to nulli it kā daudz nekas nebija minēts. Bet kopumā mans komentārs par šo rakstu ir vosnotaļ pozitīvs. Galvenais ir tas, ka tēma virza uz to, ka ir kaut kas jāmaina. Tikai vēlos piebilst, ka uz esošās sistēmas bāzes neko jaunu uzcelt nevarēsim.

Steidzami ir jāveic daudzas darbības, kas manuprāt varētu izveidot pamatu turpmākās situācijas uzlabošanai. Pamatos jāvirzās uz sabiedrības izveidi, kas orientēta uz progresu – radīt, izveidot, atklāt/izzināt, attīstīties. Zemķ manas pāris atziņas par to uz kurieni ir jādodas:

1. Pats pamats ir izveidot darba grupu vai grupas no x skaita profesionāļiem, lai reorganizētu valsti un tajā notiekošos procesus. Saucam to par sabiedriski lietderīgo darbu.

2. Valsts un pašvaldību pārvaldes reorganizācija - Nodefinējam valsts pamatdarbību (ar ko valstij ir jānodarbojas) - nodokļu un resursu administrēšana.

Tālāk jau ir vienkārši - sākam sakarīgi visu likt pa plauktiem...gandrīz kā - visus atlaižam un atkal pieņemt darbā pēc būtības - tik cik nepieciešams, lai efektīvi veiktu resursu un nodokļu administrēšanu.

3. Ieviešam tiešās valsts pārstāvniecības principu - atsakamies no deputātiem.

4. Likumi un lēmumi - to atstājam profesionāļiem. Max iespējami visu balstam uz ekonomiskās efektivitātes principiem.

5. Ekonomika – ja padomā, kas cilvēkam ir nepieciešams, tad viss kļūst skaidrs – “barība” ķermenim un “barība” prātam – uz to arī jāfokusē darbs sociālajā vidē – izzināšana (izglītība), tehnoloģijas, veselīga sabiedrība (sports, vide), ekoloģiska lauksaimniecība un ražošana.

6. Finanšu sistēma - apturam jebkurus ārējos maksājumus; samazinam pvn līdz 10%; iekšējā tirgū aizliedzam banku % no izsniegtajiem kredītiem, izveidojam principu - peļņa no investīcijām vai gala produkta; popularizējam un, ja nepieciešams valsts pati veido krājaizdevu sabiedrības.

7. Sociālā sfēra - veidojam principiālu vidi, kurā pilsoņiem ir pieejami produkti un pakalpojumi saskaņā ar vajadzībām.

8. u.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.....te jau ir jāveic smags darbs, lai šo visu ieviestu dzīvē.

Vai jūs tam esat gatavi – noformulēt savu un sabiedrības dzīves jēgu, kā arī mainīt dzīves uztveri?

09 March, 2011

Six must-read life lessons from Pablo Picasso

There are six must-read life lessons from Pablo Picasso:

1. You Must Become

“I do not seek. I find.”

It’s not enough to just seek after what you would become. There has to come a point in your life where you find it, there has to come a point when you finally become all that you desire to be!

It’s one thing to talk about what you’re going to do; it’s one thing to dream lofty dreams. However, it’s something entirely different to commit to achieve it. One of my favorite poems goes, “Great it is, to dream a dream, while you stand at youth, by a starry stream, but a greater thing, is to fight life through, and say at the end, the dream, is true.” You have to fight life through, you have to be determined, you have to decide to “find” what you are destined to become.

2. You Must Have a Plan and You Must Get Into Action

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must reverently believe, and act upon; we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”

If you don’t have a plan, you’re going to fail, and you can quote me! A goal can only be reached if it’s backed up by a great plan, and yet even a great plan is not enough. You must put forth massive action on your great plan if you’re ever going to change your life.

3. Know That Inspiration Will Come

“Inspiration exists but it has to find us working.”

Don’t wait for inspiration, get in motion and let inspiration find you in action. Inspiration likes to keep company with those who work hard.

When you work in an area that you’re passionate about, when you give it your all, the inspiration you need will show up.

4. Remember That Your Work Should Give You Pleasure

“Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate that you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.”

Your work should bring happiness into your life, if it doesn’t then find new work. Life is too short to spend half of it miserable. Discover your passion, and find work that allows you to express that passion. When you do, not only will your work bring you happiness, it will bring happiness to others.

5. Do It Now

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

Tomorrow never comes, if you’re not working right now on your future goals, then you don’t have a future, just a longer today. If it’s critical do it now, postpone the frivolous, and decide become all that you are capable of becoming.

6. You Have to See It to Have It

“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.”

Picasso saw what might be in his mind, what do you see in your mind? If you can see it, if you can really see it and believe it, you can attain it. But if you can’t see it, you will never have it. What do you see? Do you see yourself succeeding, do you see a brighter tomorrow, do you see all your dreams coming true? If you can see these things, then they will be yours.

By Mr. Self Development