
21 February, 2011

The Glass Ceiling

For everyone there exists a “glass ceiling!” A ceiling on how much you will make, a ceiling on how much you will weigh, a ceiling on how happy you will be, a ceiling on how much wealth you will accumulate, a ceiling on how much success you will possess.

There exists a glass ceiling for everyone, and for everything.

The reason it’s called a “glass ceiling” is because the ceiling is unseen, but it’s certainly there; and it’s more impermeable than a ceiling constructed with the strongest of metals. It is an impenetrable ceiling that allows no one to pass, no one.

Unless the ceiling is removed, there is no way to get by it.

Today in this brief article I want to discuss how you go about removing that glass ceiling, the ceiling that keeps you bound to mediocrity.

The First Step

The first step in getting rid of the glass ceiling is to acknowledge that it exists. You must first take notice of the glass ceiling, before you can proceed in removing it.

You can’t make progress until you first locate where you are currently. And currently you’re stuck behind a glass ceiling. A ceiling that is telling you that you’re not going any further, a ceiling that is telling you that success will never be yours, a ceiling that is telling you that you won’t reach your goals; it’s a glass ceiling, which must come down!

And because it’s impossible to go beyond this glass ceiling …you have to remove it.

I sent out a “tweet” the other day that said, “The only limits that exist are the ones that you fail to remove,” and it’s true. The only way to get through your glass ceiling is to take it down.

Removing the Glass Ceiling

Although the ceiling is solid, and although the ceiling won’t let you pass through it, this ceiling only exists in your imagination. It’s the strongest ceiling ever constructed, and yet it exists solely in your mind.

…and because it exists only in YOUR mind, you have the ability to take it down.

So, “How do you take it down?”

The only way to take down the glass ceiling, the only way to remove it, the only way to make progress, is to change your mind. You have to reprogram your mind through repetition! You have to think bigger than you’re currently thinking. If you don’t, the glass ceiling will remain, and you will remain exactly where you are right now.

You have to find a way to expand your thinking, to expand your mind, if you don’t expand your mind, if you don’t expand your thinking, you will NEVER pass the glass ceiling.

How Do You Expand Your Mind

You expand your mind by constantly associating with people who think differently, by visualizing, by meditating. And the best and easiest way to change your thinking is to listen to audiobooks, constantly. It’s what I do…it’s convenient, it’s simple, and it works.

…When you do this, you will change. It won’t be immediate, but it will happen just as sure as the sun rises in the east and lays its head to rest in the west. This you must do in order to change.

In Closing

Are you going to change? Are you going to breakthrough the glass ceiling? Are you going to think bigger? You can have the life of your dreams, you can drive the car of your dreams, you can travel the world with the spouse and body of your dreams…and you will, when you begin to think “bigger;” when you re-program your mind, when you adopt new thoughts!

10 February, 2011

Zeitgeist III Moving Forward

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